Alaskan Úlfhé∂nar Newsletter

Keeping our viewers/listeners up to date with all the interactions of the Alaska Úlfhé∂nar. Please feel free to visit the many channels of distribution that the Shaman has. Each week we'll provide you with a reminder of the shows and/or posts you might have missed. If you have questions that you need answered, or need advice, please don't hesitate to reach out to the Shaman.

Do you feel yourself called by the Ancestors?

We hope that you've gotten a chance to check out Season 4 of the "Whispers of the Norse" exclusively available on the Ethereal TV streaming platform

In addition, we have these other Releases

Our weekday morning show that offers some illumination as we rise to the challenges, to gain the experiences, of each day. Be sure to LIKE, FOLLOW, and SUBSCRIBE to help us distribute these messages of encouragement and affirmation.
Our show "Forfædres Belysning" is available on many audio podcast platforms as well.

Questions Answered.

This is a new program that is available on the video distributions listed above. Each program provides an answer to a question asked of the Shaman. Have a question? Email our Shaman at

Consider Donating to our Mission

Please consider donating to Support our mission of helping those who need assistance after a psychological traumatic event find Better Mental Health through a reduced cost counseling.
You can also provide your generous donation through our Paypal site.

Our Paypal

Or, consider joining our Patreon Nation, where for about $3.49 (USD) per month, you can have access to exclusive content.

Our Daily Affirmations and Posts

The recordings are available on the following media locations:

The magic of Freyja Forfædres Belysning

The control of universal energies and its understanding is what you have when you consider the goddess of love and war, Freyja. The twin sister of Freyr, Freyja brought the power of magic to both Odinn and Midgard. Read More

The strength of Thor. Forfædres Belysning

Today we celebrate the strength of the Norse god Thor. Not only do we embrace his physical strength, but we need to seriously contemplate his mental strength as well. Read More

The Courage of Tyr Forfædres Belysning

Throughout the history of humankind there has been an innate perceived need of superiority within the minds of many, yet, it has been the sigmas of existence that has kept the balance of real power. Not by physical brutality, but by the unwavering construction of harmonious relationships. Dismissing the ego and allowing the self to be an example of the …

The courage of Tyr. Forfædres Belysning

Throughout the history of humankind there has been an innate perceived need of superiority within the minds of many, yet, it has been the sigmas of existence that has kept the balance of real power. Not by physical brutality, but by the unwavering construction of harmonious relationships. Dismissing the ego and allowing the self to be an example of the …

Notes from the Shaman

This week from a personal perspective. This week, as I've experienced a physical life time I've been instructed in a great many things. I continue the lessons of emotional management, as I too struggle with taking a deep breath, and engaging some cognitive thought process before responding to the events unfolding before. I try to take notes of those events and experiences that teach me something about myself and my interaction with the universe around me.

Rune Readings this Week

Today’s Rune Reading - 10 January 2025

Dagens indsigt Today's Insight Past Influential Energies       Algiz – Protection, higher life, awakenings, connection to the gods. Present Influential Energies       Sowilo – Faith in outcomes, life purpose, honor, goals, success, hope. Future Influential Energies       Thuriaz – (Inverted) Strife, annoyance, disease, dullness, betrayal, danger. Energies to Remain the same       Isa – (Inverted) Unity of being, self-control, ego-consciouness, concentrated self. Godmorgan and …
Today’s Rune Reading - 10 January 2025

Today's Rune Reading - 9 January 2025

Today's Rune Reading - 9 January 2025
Dagens indsigt Today's Insight Past Influential Energies       Fehu – (Inverted) Endings, atrophy, greed, failure. Present Influential Energies       Odinn’s Rune – In connection with the other runes cast, means exploration, willingness, openness. Future Influential Energies       Ihwaz – Protection, initiation, endurance, movement toward enlightenment. Energies to Remain the same       Uruz – (Inverted) Brutality, insensitivity, uncontrolled rage, ignorance. Godmorgan and happy Thor's day …

Today's Rune Reading - 8 January 2025

Dagens indsigt Today's Insight Past Influential Energies       Othala – (Inverted) Genocide, racism, homelessness, poverty, totalitarianism. Present Influential Energies       Tiwaz – Even-handedness, honesty, victory, self-sacrifice, justice, loyalty. Future Influential Energies       Algiz – (Inverted) Fear, loss of divine link, hidden dangers, consumption by divine forces. Energies to Remain the same       Laguz – (Inverted) Manipulations, avoidance, circular motion. Godmorgan and happy Woden's day …
Today's Rune Reading - 8 January 2025

Today's Rune Reading - 7 January 2025

Today's Rune Reading - 7 January 2025
Dagens indsigt Today's Insight Past Influential Energies       Wunjo – Prosperity, accomplishment, fellowship, harmony, joy. Present Influential Energies       Hagalaz – Inner harmony, completion, controlled crisis, changes for long-term good. Future Influential Energies       Gebo – Divine vision, sacrifice, honor, gift, generosity. Energies to Remain the same       Algiz – Protection, higher life, awakenings, connection to the gods. Tyr brings us the embracing of …

Today's Rune Reading - 6 January 2025

Dagens indsigt Today's Insight Past Influential Energies       Ansuz– Open path of communication, intellect, transformation, divine inspiration. Present Influential Energies       Laguz (Inverted)– Toxicity, poison, manipulations, depression, emotional blackmail, fear. Future Influential Energies       Jera – Timing, proper, peace, plenty, reward for positive action. Energies to Remain the same       Isa – Unity of being, self-control, ego-consciousness, concentrated self. Today, Mani's day. We celebrate …
Today's Rune Reading - 6 January 2025

Other ways to support our programs.

Visit Mountain Rose Herbs, select the herbs/spices/essential oils you need or want and our programs receive 10% of the purchase price toward supporting our programs. Be sure to mention that you heard "they were the best" from us and you'll get hooked up with the finest products anywhere! [Click Here]


The Drakkar

Be sure to check out the Drakkar as it draws close to the docks of the internet and we begin the process of populating our tables with Great products from around the world.
Every product sold from the "support merch" store at the Whispers of the Norse provides a donation of $1.00 (USD) to local charities.
Visit our store for more AMAZING products.

Drumming Circle

Be sure to check out our website for the next "Drumming Circle" as we build it here in southcentral Alaska. Always looking for local drummers as well as those who wish to join us online to, RAISE THE FREQUENCY!!

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