Alaska Úlfhé∂nar


Once again teaching the world Love and Peace.

The Alaska Úlfhé∂nar finds the commonality among many different practices and understandings and seeks to find harmony among all. Using the ancient understandings of his Celtic-Norse ancestry the Úlfhé∂nar teaches of peace and love.
Newsletter Editor: Loretta Swanson
Alaska Úlfhé∂nar wants to give many thanks for the awesome talent of Danheim who has offered to allow us to use his music as the backdrop for the podcast. Please visit his site and express your appreciation for his wonderful gift of music.

Alaska Úlfhé∂nar Happenings

Prayers and Energies Sent

We here at the Alaska Úlfhé∂nar pray for the peoples of Ukraine, as well as the peoples of Russia who are against this unprovoked attack of another nation of the world. We send forth the energy necessary to repel the invaders back to their own lands, may the strength never leave your hands, and the sight be with you.

The long-awaited Book from the Shaman

The book "Turn to Final" has been released! Blue Fortune Enterprises who has published the book after completing the editing. The book provides a detailed understanding of the effect that spirituality has had on human psychology, as well as the science to demonstrate how it has worked. A very deep dive into the quantum sciences to connect knowledge as to how our spiritual self receives, and sends energy for healing and growth. Coming soon to a bookstore near you.
Please visit these fine retailers to get your copy now.
Or wherever you purchase your books.

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The Runes

This Month's Rune is


While the rune is pronounced with a “Y” sounding more like “Year-ah” making it fitting as the time representation it is, it means a year.

But, more than being a measurement of time, Jera is the ebb and flow of eternity. The inhale and exhale of existence itself. It helps us to not only understand the seasons as a time and place, but also as the foundation of the future. Meaning in practical terms that not only does it demonstrate to us the time and place for the summer planting and harvest, but also for the gathering of seeds for next years planting. Like that of existence, Jera provides an understanding of the unstoppable energy of the cosmos, giving and draining us of our self-generated energy throughout of lifetimes. It is critical that we understand that the energy that surrounds us is connected to the balance retained within the cosmos as-a-whole, it is essential to our very existence.

As mentioned, Jera represents placing the right events along the right timeline within our existence. and like the spring rains bring forth drink for the growing plants, so too does the colder days of fall bring forth the wisdom of hibernation. Everything within existence has a reason and a season for being. Jera speaks to the season for all things happening within our lives. Throughout the year, we must engage in seeking out opportunities and potential for growth, for we know that it is the energy of our active seeking that will produce the flower of illumination.
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The Shaman's Message

Topic Discussions

This month the Shaman introduced several important topics for living our life to the fullest, and achieving all those dreams we have. Frequently he spoke of living intentionally, and being courageous enough to use our free will to change our trajectory through our path of discovery.

Within our daily discussions, the Alaska Úlfhé∂nar recognizes individuals who join the discussion online using the Wisdom app. For all of those who joined us, Thank you.

Fifth Week of May

Skáldskapr: Everyday Influences of Spirituality

Shaman’s Teachings In this episode the shaman speaks to the topic of understanding the influences that we receive from our spiritual connections, whether we choose to acknowledge them or not. Discussing the importance of understanding exactly how spiritual contact is made, and how that can influence us as humans. Just as importantly the shaman explains how this influence happens to …

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Fourth Week of May


Skáldskapr: Beginning our Spiritual Journey

Shaman’s Teachings In this episode the shaman takes us on a educational exploration of beginning our spiritual journey. He begins with offering an understanding of the influences of spirituality on our daily lives, then delves into understanding how we can begin our personal journey of understanding. “Every journey begins with the first step”, and this podcast was the first step …

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Third Week of May

Skáldskapr: Healing Energy

Shaman’s Teachings In this episode the shaman discusses the garnering of energy from the cosmos to provide healing to the physical form, whether the healing is needed for the body or the mind. By understanding that the energy is out there and that we always maintain the power to draw in that energy, the obstacles are then provided by our …

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Second Week of May


Skáldskapr: The Book, Turn to Final

Shaman’s Teachings In this episode, the shaman outlines his recently published book called the Turn to Final. The book, which is a hands-on guide, and practical understanding as to our existence. He discusses the value of our human evolution, as well as the evolution of theology from the days before humans became humans. From the dawn of time the physical …

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First Week of May

Skáldskapr: Understanding Energy.

Shaman’s Teachings In this episode, the shaman speaks about the control of energy into our physical bodies and our minds from the many different spiritual sources around us each day. He enlightens us as to the energy passed to our physical and spiritual selves from other physical and spiritual entities who, while may be interpreted by the selves differently, are …

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This Shaman answered your Questions.

  1. How can you be right? The answer is as easy as nature. If one takes a moment to look around us and observe nature one notes that it doesn't stray from the path of opportunity given by the cosmos.
  2. How can you always be so calm? I have discovered an understanding of stopping my resistance. By allowing the universe to show and teach me, and not demanding answers, I find that my path has much fewer thorns.
  3. What is your book about? The book hopefully provides an understanding as to how spirituality works in laymen's terms. It speaks to the practicality of spiritual influence within our lives. Hopefully the contents give critical thoughts as to how we can find a level of happiness.
  4. You mention "man-made diseases"? Yes and the further we get from nature the more of these types of affects to the body and mind we will find. Cancer is one such disease that is man-made, therefore many will struggle to combat it's influence and impact on the mind and body.
  5. What if you're wrong about not being a monotheist? More often than not most will underestimate the power of the deities, and just as importantly their understanding. While those who would condemn us for studying something else other than monotheism, they are themselves minimalists in their view of spirituality. Remember always, our spirituality should feel as natural as breathing and make sense above all else.
Be sure to visit our website to submit a question of your own, or contact the Shaman directly at
Spiritual beliefs are thoughts and feelings that provide us with congruence between the heart and mind. This allows us to become complete as we obtain balance between thought and emotions. By maintaining a sense of love and peace within our minds, we are capable of connecting and transmitting spiritual energy for healing, as well as gaining knowledge and wisdom. We understand that it is by obtaining clarity of mind and aura, that we can experience a clear understanding of the wisdom and knowledge of our ancestors as well as the deities.

Sharing matters to us

All of us are here on the physical plane of this existence we call life, to learn emotional control that we may ascend to the understanding of pure empathy, so as to join our ancestors when we pass from this existence. To fully embrace this life, we must open our heart to fully experience the emotional life we choose.
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Ask the Shaman

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Email the Shaman

Alaska Úlfhé∂nar

Enlighten, Encourage, Empower
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