Tysdagr Morning from the Shaman

Each Tuesday we'll provide you with a reminder of the shows and/or posts you might have missed. If you have questions that you need answered, or need advice, please don't hesitate to reach out to the Shaman.

We always welcome your feedback and perspective on any of the posts the Shaman has provided, so feel free to reach out at shaman@akulfhednar.com.

Recently we have opened the door on the Whispers of the Norse online store, so be sure to stop by and check it out.

Do you feel yourself called by the Ancestors?

The latest news from the Alaska Úlfhé∂nar

Skáldskapr: Winning the battle with Depression

Shaman’s Teachings Alaska Úlfhé∂nar Skáldskapr: Winning the battle with Depression Release Date: September 27th, 2023 In this episode, the Shaman takes depression head-on as he explains the power with the utilization of spiritual energy to reverse the negative cycle caused by the chemical imbalance that our brains recognize as depression. The Shaman explains from a physiological perspective what depression is …
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Whispers of the Norse Store

Be sure to check out the store as we begin the process of populating our shelves with Great products from around the world.

Turn to Final Book soft cover

The greatest step we can take in the quest for understanding is to actively seek.

This book is a guide for those who are looking to actively seek and begin to connect, on our deepest levels, to our personal truth. With this book, Mark-Nathaniel Weisman offers a life-altering perspective of what surrounds us as well as what came before us, reminding us of the possibilities along our life path.

Told through the lens of information learned from his ancestors, this book conveys an ancient wisdom that comes from living close to the Earth.

You should be free to explore any part of your spirituality without guilt or shame.

With timeless wisdom and practical steps for the reader, Turn to Final offers readers a guide that can set us upon a new path - our own path to becoming who we are meant to be.


Buy now
Turn to Final Book soft cover

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