What the text reads:
Note: This ritual may only be performed during the peak of the moons journey.
Understanding of the enchantment/ritual.
The idea of this ritual is to lure all the evil spirits (addictive thinking) to the rune of an inverted Pertho. An inverted Pertho is typically associated with delusion, fantasy, and emotional or psychological addictions. So, these negative energies will be attracted to the energy of this rune. As it is swiped (slowly erasing the drawn rune) we are causing more of an expediency in the spirits getting into the energy of the rune before its gone. On the third swipe (3×3=9 (nine being a deity number to the Norse)) the unwanted spirits of addictive thinking should be mostly gone. Then, drawing the bindrune (pictured to the right) of Fehu and Algiz together we are drawing in their energies to the individual. Fehu represents beginners mind, and freedom, while offering us “new beginnings”. It should bring a plan to re-establish the control of the mind by putting actions in place. Algiz represents a higher self, and divinity, bringing forth the energy of the Valkyries for a protecting teaching force for the individual. These two runes bound together offer a powerful place within the mind to begin a journey forward without the use of the addiction.
Nattleysi (Summer Months)
Skammdegi (Winter Months)
The image of the Shaman is credited to April Olsen 2024.
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