Happy Mani Day!

Here we are at Mani’s day! Alaska Úlfhé∂nar is live!.mp4
Happy Mani day to you. Today, we celebrate control. We have a choice. Many people say, oh, we don’t have a choice. We gave up our choice. Whatever. No. No. That is not true. You always have a choice as to how you’re going to feel. Remember, as influences impact us from wherever we are, whatever we’re doing, whoever we’re with, we will receive energy from them, from wherever, that we have a choice. We can choose to be, positive and light or not. Alright? And we can make that choice. We do not need anyone else’s approval. We don’t need anyone else to really do anything. But if you think about it for a minute, each situation that we find ourselves in, whether it be, socially or professionally, if we’re at work or whatnot, we sit down and the influence, comes into us and whatever it is. Right? You know? People come into our workplace. They come into our lives, and they may be very negative. They may have some bad, mojo going on right now. And so their energy is negative, and it’s kind of and it, emanates from them. Right? So it’s kind of pulsing out, and our subconscious and spiritual mind is absorbing this energy. And we may sit with them for a few minutes, and then all of a sudden, we start we find ourselves kind of starting down the slope of starting to be negative and starting to be starting to feel that negativity, within our bones. And we have a choice right then that says, you know, I realized that this other person is having a bad day or their energy is just not right. But that doesn’t affect me.
My energy keeps me. Right? So I can be positive. I can be happy. I can be content and comforted while people around me may seem to be, you know, challenged, from a joy perspective, I don’t have I don’t have to subscribe to that. I can choose to be happy. And this this really is what the power of Mani, the god of the moon, that’s what he brings to us, is this ability to control our mental processes, ergo, control our emotional states. Right? Now the good news is is, as I mentioned, we have a choice, and we could choose to be happy Regardless of what’s going on around us, we can choose to be happy. And when we choose to be happy, all of a sudden, we open up this thing called our aura. Now our aura is this kind of invisible ball, if you will, that kind of surrounds us. And at the outer edges of this invisible ball is what we call the aura borders. Now the aura borders are controlled by our heart. They’re a frequency wave on the outside of our, aura that stiff that is driven, the frequency at which it’s driven, is directly associated with our emotional state. So if we’re happy and content and joy and harmonious and all of those things, then our border is a nice even kind of just comfortable frequency. K? If we’re strung out and we’re nervous or we’re, you know,
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