Questions Answered


The Shaman attempts to answer all the questions with the help of his spiritual ancestors. While the information may be centered around an ancestry in northern Germany, and Denmark, it is as relevant today as when it was first introduced to those people millennia before the monotheistic practices arrived in Europe. Feel free to ask the Shaman and his ancestors anything to assist you in revealing your true spiritual path.

If we use your question for one of the “Spørgsmål Besvaret” shows (available on Monday and Wednesday evenings (Alaska Time) on our YouTube channel), we’ll send you one of our support shirts (a $28 value). Be sure to check out the shows, and wear your support shirt with pride, as each question answered brings us each one small step closer to enlightenment.


Copyright © 2023. Alaskan Úlfhé∂nar, and Whispers of the Norse. Property of the Alaska Outlaws LLC, Anchorage, Alaska. All images and names are the property of Alaska Outlaws LLC.