The courage of Tyr.

The courage of Tyr. Alaska Úlfhé∂nar is live!.mp4
Good morning, my friends, and happy Tear’s Day to you. Today, we celebrate the Norse god Tyr. Tyr brings to life that of courage. Now we’ve spoken many times about courage, and each Tuesday, we say, oh, this week, we’re going to have courage. We’re going to think our, believe in ourselves, face our fears, and live our best life. And this Thursday is no different. The god tier teaches us that courage is that which doesn’t need others approval. In other words, when Tyr decided to put his hand in the mouth of Fenrir, He didn’t ask everyone around him if it was a good idea or how they felt about it or, you know, nothing like that. It was made the request, and Tyr stepped up and said, I will do as as you ask that you may be chain, knowing the greater good of constraining Fenrir. So the important part about being courageous is being willing to be courageous by oneself, to exercise that courage when maybe the rest of your social group, your clan may not agree with it. When, many years ago now, when I decided, with all the intellect and knowledge and wisdom that I had gained, that monotheism didn’t play a role in my life and began to practice, not even practice.
I began to be, more Celtic, more Norse, more, me. More me being just, believing and following, that which the gods have set forth for me. Back in those days, it took a lot of courage. As you may remember, as a younger man, I started my path of spiritual understanding. I started my path as a minister of monotheism, and once the doctrine and the idea what my friends and associates and colleagues and the in my mind and felt right in my heart, to me, that was my spiritual connection. And no other individual spiritual journey is the same. Our spiritual journeys are as unique as we are. There you know, while there may be many, many, many, many, many similarities, that’s what they are. They’re similarities, but our journeys to our enlightenment is different, is unique to each and every one of us. Now I didn’t understand that. I when I was a younger man and I was studying monotheism, I was under the impression. I was led to believe that it’s all the same, that you can all do the same thing, and then you just walk when the crowds and everything will make sense until you question it. And when you begin to question it, you have 2 choices. You can either, a, say, I’m going to stop questioning it, and I’ll just follow blindly, or you start living a life and an understanding that you are on your own journey, your own unique journey of enlightenment, of spiritual enlightenment, and it’ll happen, guaranteed.Many people have have tried to convince me that enlightenment is this, quest, you know, this this end goal that we may never reach, and that you have to step outside your normal life to achieve enlightenment, and I disagree on both cases.
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