The gift of wisdom, Woden’s day.

The gift of wisdom, Woden’s day. Alaska Úlfhé∂nar is live!.mp4
And happy Wooten’s day to you. Happy Wooten’s day. Now Wooten, of course, being the Germanic translation of the word, of course, being the chief of the Æsir gods, and the Æsir tribe of gods. One thing that O∂inn represents in our life is the seeking, collection, and use of wisdom in our lives. Now one has to ask oneself, because we hear the word quite often, what is wisdom? Many times people think, well, wisdom is simply living through experiences to gain some type of, oversight, if you will. The ability to see related things from a a higher level. And that’s partially right. When we think about intellect, knowledge, and wisdom, We have to think of intellect as one little particle of knowledge, one little data fact. A sentence per se may offer us several pieces of intellect within the sentence. When we hear multiple times, or hear, or see, or no. Multiple times, a particular piece of intellect and related facts to that intellect. This is knowledge. Right? So one data fact is intellect. Several data facts that all, relate to one another are knowledge. And then this ability to use a relational matrix if you will, to connect multiple streams of knowledge together is called wisdom. Now, wisdom many times is created, revealed by experience. So those who have lived many, many years, who have done many, many different things, who are just out doing things, they typically have more wisdom. Now, one of the necessary pieces of gaining wisdom is to have an open mind. Now, you know, there are many people out in the world today, whom although are out gaining experiences, because they’re alive, they yet they don’t really fully absorb it. They still have a closed mind, and they’re trying to force these new experiences into what they already know. And so they’re taking that experience and they’re contorting it to what they already know. And this my friends is not gathering the foundation at which to have wisdom, it’s just simply living life. Right? Because we have our blinders on. Right? We can’t see, we can’t see around the puddle. Okay? So we’re only seeing our view, and all the experiences that we’re taking into our lives, into our consciousness, they’re all going to be funneled through our demand for things to fit into our way of being. Right? Whereas experiences, they bring in all types of wonderful things to our lives. They expand our knowledge and our wisdom and our ability, our experiences, our history, our past, all of these things are expanded greatly when we open our minds to these experiences, and we start pulling in these wonderful experiences, which may change our mind. We may we may alter our beliefs. We may, get a new perspective, a different perspective.
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