The power of Freyja.

The power of Freyja. Alaska Úlfhé∂nar is live!.mp4
Friends, happy Freyja’s day. That’s right, today we celebrate the Norse goddess Freyja. Now many say, oh, what does that mean? What how do you celebrate a goddess? There are many ways to celebrate a goddess, but one of the major ways that I do it every, particularly today on Freya’s day, is I embrace what she represented in my life. Freya brings to me the idea and the need for managing the energy within my mind, within my thought processes that allows me to maintain a better mental health. K? What does that look like? Well, today, as I take time in the many different moments of my day, when I’m not doing something dedicating my day to work or to someone else’s achievements and accomplishments. Today, I will celebrate Freya by taking time to think about, ponder deeply the movement of energy within my mind. Now there are multitude of energies, you may have felt in your life, whether it be, the energy of influence where someone has come into your life, someone or something has come into your life and changed the way you think. Right? So you may think, oh, I want to be single my whole life, and then along comes the one the one partner that, just changes everything for you. Yesterday, was a wonderful day for me. I celebrated 34 years with my shield maiden. Of course, now she’s a seal shield matron, but nonetheless, I celebrated with her 34 years, 3 plus decades. And people say, oh, wow. That’s a really long time. It must be wonderful. My shield maiden and I have not always seen eye to eye. Things have not been, I can’t say, 34 years of bliss because that’s not what it’s been. My shieldmaiden and I, we had to learn to understand each other, to grow with each other. We had to learn each other’s energy. You know, in the beginning, our relationship, like every relationship, is that of passion. It’s of lust. Maybe it’s that fire, right? And then that fire begins to kind of just taper off, not even extinguish, but just taper off, and we begin this slow burn of love that’s taken us many, many years to understand. Good times and bad, We’ve had ups and downs in our relationships. But as we embraced our 34th anniversary yesterday, I was really, again, enlightened as to the energy that she produces, the energy that I produce, and how those two energies interact with each other in the calm, not in that passionate moment or in those heated, you know, discussions, but in the calm, in the peace. As we sat and, my wife takes time each evening to relax, to unwind a little bit. She watches TV. I’m not much of a TV person myself, but, nonetheless, I sit with her, and I I kind of zoom out in my little video games and allow her to just enjoy her television programs.
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