Today’s Rune Reading – 10 January 2025

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Today’s Insight Past Influential Energies       Algiz – Protection, higher life, awakenings, connection to the gods. Present Influential Energies       Sowilo – Faith in outcomes, life purpose, honor, goals, success, hope. Future Influential Energies       Thuriaz – (Inverted) Strife, annoyance, disease, dullness, betrayal, danger. Energies to Remain the same       Isa – (Inverted) Unity of being, self-control, ego-consciouness, concentrated self.
Godmorgan and happy Freyja’s day to you.
Looking into our past experiences, we are shown by the rune Algiz in an upright position, we may have discovered a new trajectory modification that our inner self is advising us to make. By re-establishing our connectivity to our definition of our deities, we reveal our authentic self, maybe introducing this “authentic self” to ourselves for the first time in our lives. The monotheistic practice has a phrase “reborn” where they identify the moment an individual connects to their beliefs. I’m more of the mind that the moment we are re-introduced to our authentic self is actually more dominant than subscribing to a belief system. With Algiz in our past influences, we see that the gods are reminding us of our calling.
In the present, identifying influences, we find Sowilo and it is in an indeterminate position (meaning it cannot be inverted). Sowilo in this position tells us that you are beginning to gather faith in the outcome of your current trajectory, you are well on your way to your spiritual goals, marking some level of success within your mental space. You have the influence of hope entering your aura, further assisting you in ascertaining and moving in the direction of your life’s purpose. You must embrace honor at your deepest level as we constantly strive to embrace our authentic selves.
The influence that the runes speak of within the experiences we have yet to enjoy, or our future, is displayed by the rune Thuriaz. Thuriaz is in an inverted position, meaning it has darker energy surrounding it (not evil, but dark). In this position Thuriaz tells us that there will be many influences that occur in our future that may distract us from following our path. Influences from outside, like the fear of being betrayed, or attracting disease, or encountering some strife. It is completely normal to have a healthy respect for these energies, we need to ensure that they do not hijack our life’s path. Living in fear is not living at all. We need to cast aside these fears and prepare ourselves against the onslaught of these energies. Seek our authentic self that we may place the defensive mechanisms in place before these energies inject into our aura.
Finally, the rune Isa in an indeterminate position reminds us that we must keep certain things in the forefront of our mind. Remembering the “unity of being”, and that of the balance between ego and consciousness, will allow us to remain prepared as the future unwanted energies attempt to sway us from our path. Retain our self control that we may effectively manage the energies that we allow to control our mind.
Remember, you are your most powerful ally in the battle for your mind, and emotional control, be ready to commit all your energies to keeping yourself safe and healthy.
[image001.png] Be sure to celebrate with the wonderful collective at New Reality TV, you can find them on the web at<;!!KX-aonTnHEU4Heo!hLxsyoQlCqN-_KCfAP0cM4FPIxukppQga3wm84usQ1ievWdmPAxld1NKKm6ViP–XzIaNOrNv0CxwEwXIPOzWHkvm2us$>
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