Today’s Rune Reading – 11 Dec 2024

Dagens indsigt
Today’s Insight Past Influential Energies       Uruz (Inverted) – Brutality, insensitivity, rage, ignorance. Present Influential Energies       Ansuz – Open path of communications, intellect, transformation. Future Influential Energies       Mannaz– Divine influence, social order, awareness, divine structure. Energies to Remain the same       Thurisaz (Inverted) – Explosive violence, betrayal, defenselessness, danger.
Midweek, today we reach the pinnacle of the week with Odinn’s day (Woten’s day) and embrace the energy of seeking wisdom from every aspect of our lives. Our past influence speaks of a brutality and rage, probably in frustration and misunderstanding in the discovery of our path. It has not been easy all the time, yet you were able to accomplish it. Great work.
Our current influences are that of open paths of communications between the ancestors, the gods, and ourselves. We surrender ourselves to absorbing their intellect and wisdom as we focus on transforming ourselves into the creation that we are hoping for.
Our future influences speak of a divine influence, as the gods attempt to provide a guiding hand in navigating our future path. To accept this offered guidance, we must become aware that there are larger ideas at play around us. To further invest ourselves in the divine structure lays the groundwork for our evolution.
As we look to what should remain, we need to remember that protecting that which we love is of utmost importance. Whether that protection come in the form of peaceful negotiations or not, matters very little. We must remember that we can become violent, and wield the weapon of hate, keeping in mind the betrayal, and defenselessness that we have been taught in our past, to defend what is right. For the inability to wage war is weak, but to maintain control over our need for it, is true power.
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