Today’s Rune Reading – 14 January 2025

Dagens indsigt Past Influences
* Ihwaz- “protection, initiation, endurance, and movement toward enlightenment” Present Influences
* Ódinn’s Rune – Additional prayers (see below) Future Influences
* Mannaz – “divine influence in life, social order, awareness, intelligence, sustainability, and divine structure” Bedrock (things to remain)
* Tiwaz (Inverted) – “tyranny, defeat, imbalance, injustice, over-sacrifice, over-analysis, or mental paralysis”
To reveal the influences of our past, we have drawn the rune of Ihwaz, and it is in an indeterminant state. The influences of our past indicate that we have begun a re-alignment of our life’s experiences to our path toward destiny. We have begun to illuminate the dark energy within our mind with the limitless possibilities of the spiritual universe around us. This is the “from” in our lives indicating that we have left the stasis of our past and begun movement toward enlightenment.
Our present influence is that of Ódinn’s Rune, or the rune of the unknown. In this casting, this tile, surrounded by the other runes reveals that we have discovered a spiritual path that resonates within our authentic space, even if we haven’t fully disclosed these virtues to ourselves. Hopefully, we have come to understand that we have a choice. We can choose to journey down this path, or we can veer off this path to another, that choice is ours alone. No one can make us travel in a direction we do not wish to travel. May Ódinn give you the strength to stay on the path that you have chosen.
To further reveal our future influences, we have drawn the rune of Mannaz in an upright position. Our future indicates that we have collected the intellect of a deity or spiritual ancestor who has engaged in guiding us toward our deeper understanding. Our physical minds beginning to explore the possibilities of a spiritual realm without any form of limitation. This action has begun, and will continue, to expand the consciousness. Thereby providing access to limitless wisdom of the spiritual realm.
To understand what influences we should retain, we have drawn the rune Tiwaz in an inverted state. As is revealed, that which we should retain is the distinct memories of over sacrifices, of the injustices, the defeats, certainly the imbalance that existed. These memories foster a better understanding of the gifts, as well as the recognition of an attempted return of these states. By keeping these memories secured within our mind, it affords each of us the opportunity to avoid and deny those influences in our present, and certainly the future.
Today’s runes speak of wisdom about our spiritual journey. Keep in mind that our spiritual path travels in parallel to our physical one, purely using emotional states as the beacons to allow us to adjust accordingly. Do not fear the future, embrace it for the wonderful opportunity it is.
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