Today’s Rune Reading – 15 January 2025

[image0.jpeg]Dagens indsigt  Past Influences
* Thuriaz- “Constructive conflict, regenerative catalyst, vital eroticism, directed forced, or reactive force”
Present Influences
* Wunjo – “Prosperity, accomplishment, fellowship, harmony, or joy”
Future Influences
* Ihwaz – “protection, initiation, endurance, and movement toward enlightenment”
Bedrock (things to remain)
* Sowilo – “faith in outcomes, life purpose, honor, goals, success, hope, guidance”
To reveal the influences of our past, we have drawn the rune of Thuriaz, and it is in an upright state. The influences of our past indicate that we have witnessed many different experiences, throughout the range of human emotional states, that offers us the intrinsic authority in which to establish our wisdom. From this established wisdom we seem to be directing our energies toward the revelation of additional, relevant knowledge and intellect.
Our present influence is that of Wunjo, and it too is in an upright state. As this is defining our present moment, it speaks to achieving a level of understanding along the journey of discovering the breadth of spirituality. It would seem that your spirit has found a sense of accomplishment through the fellowship of other spirits, and this brings you joy and balance. Continued growth will foster these feelings, allowing us to expand our consciousness even further.
Revealing our future influences, we have drawn the rune of Ihwaz, which occupies an indeterminment position. Our future indicates that we have established a basic understanding of the management of the mind. Being cognizant, and consciously managing the energies moving in and out of our thought process. This establishment of our understanding lays the foundation to understanding much more complex interactions between the energies of our existence, primarily those that alter our emotional state in some way.
To understand what influences we should retain, we have drawn the rune Sowilo in an indeterminate state. As this reveals, these traits defined by the rune Sowilo are cornerstones to a happy, healthy life. When these are intrinsically embraced, we find a peace within the mind emerges. Once mental control is established, and trust within the “congruent line” applied, we will discover our “authentic self”. This moment of true realization reveals the wonderful value each of us plays within the much larger scope of existence.
Today’s runes speak of self maintenance. Our journey should focus internally that we may discover the uniqueness that each of us possess. Then turning outwardly, we recognize the value that this uniqueness plays within a much larger scope of existence. Being yourself, and believing in yourself establishes a path of enlightenment that we are all searching for.
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