Today’s Rune Reading – 16 January 2025

Dagens indsigt Past Influences
* Fehu- ““control, money, travel, energy, foresight, social success, and new beginnings””
Present Influences
* Tiwaz – ““even-handedness, honesty, victory, analysis, self-sacrifice, rationality, justice, loyalty, and faith”
Future Influences
* Berkano – ““secrets, sanctuary, liberation, shelter, life changes, becoming, and birth”
Bedrock (things to remain)
* Uruz – ““understanding, pragmatic knowledge, health, luck, pattern, tenacity, vitality, constancy, and strength”
To reveal the influences of our past, the gods have shown us the rune of Fehu. Fehu represents many things, however, in today’s reading, I sense that we are experiencing a “turn” in our lives. Turning from what was, to what will be. Maintaining a level of hope and having some expectation of success, whatever that looks like. We have experienced many successes in our past, whether we acknowledge them or not is irrelevant here. However, it would seem that we have gathered experiences as we have traveled through our physical life. These influences affect the way we “advise” others, or that we now possess a better understanding for our own benefit.
Our present influence is that of Tiwaz. Many have said that the gardener and the warrior are the extreme opposites of the emotional spectrum, this is not the case. For both feel the power of emotions in the same way, and they both enjoy lessons in living from the emotional manipulation that comes from living. The key to this emotional journey is to honestly embrace our emotional path, remain loyal to it, be willing to retain the balance between knowing and learning with the passion of justice. For this is our lot in this physical lifetime, learning to control our emotional responses.
Revealing our future influences, we have drawn the rune of Berkano, which embraces an idea of sanctuary, and shelter. It also draws our attention to a future that brings a liberation of thought processing, and unwanted emotional manipulation. This advice of the gods foretells of “the becoming”, or the “birth”. While our past is what dictates our interpretation of our future, the gods have said that our arrival at “where we want to be”, from a spiritual perspective, will happen, therefore we need to understand exactly where we want to be. Berkano speaks of life-changes in our future. Embrace the change, mentally prepare ourselves for a complete change of scenery.
To understand what influences we should retain, we have drawn the rune Uruz in an upright position. A very powerful rune, as it is the second rune in order of the runes. While the first rune, Fehu, represents young lovers, Uruz represents young warriors, therefore we must be willing to “hold our line” in the struggle for mental supremacy. We must retain our spirit to deny and defeat the negative energies within our experiences that we maintain the light of our thought process.
Today’s runes speak of the value we should recognize within the self. The importance that our past has in altering our perception of the reality in which we live. The positive influence of understanding our role in the fight to retain our mental space, our responsibility at accepting or denying energy within our aura. The message from the gods today is that of mental liberation upon the establishment of the control within our minds, recognizing the value of remaining faithful and loyal to the self. [image002.png] For tinctures/salves/teas, and many others, be sure to check out our friends at:
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