Today’s Rune Reading – 17 January 2025

Dagens indsigt Past Influences Raidho (Inverted) – “Restlessness, wrongful imprisonment, hypocrisy, control freak, irrationality, injustice, stasis, rigidity, or crisis.” Present Influences Thuriaz – “Constructive conflict, regenerative catalyst, vital eroticism, directed forced, or reactive force” Future Influences Sowilo – “Faith in outcomes, life purpose, honor, goals, success, hope, guidance” Bedrock (things to remain) Jera – “Timing, proper, peace, plenty, and reward for positive action”
To reveal the influences of our past, the gods have shown us the rune of Raidho, and in today’s case it is in an inverted state. This inverted state tends to put a negative spin on things, implying that our past may contain some negative experiences which, hopefully, we may have learned from. Remember, these are influences that we have experienced, not necessarily feelings we may have been creating. I can speak personally about some of these, as my past has seen a substantial amount of these emotional states as both: the cause, and the receiver.
Our present influence is that of Thuriaz, and in this case it is upright. This indicates, by itself, that our circumstances may be improving today. As you note from the list above, many of today’s energies are that of influential energies, coming from outside the self. This indicates that your spiritual legs are still a little wobbly and need support. In this state, you may find yourself being “bullied” into beliefs that you are unable to intrinsically support. Draw on the energy of friends and family to assist you in pushing back these extrinsic energies.
Revealing our future influences, we have drawn the rune of Sowilo. Sowilo is one of the runes that, I personally, love drawing, as it casts into my thought process the ideas of success, and hope. But, as we can see by it being our future influence, it shows that we are locating those support beacons around us to further our growth, particularly in the understanding of our unique spiritual path. As we witness from its power to restore the faith in outcomes, our friends and family can assist us greatly in getting through the darker times along our path.
To understand what influences we should retain, we have drawn the rune Jera. Jera is the passage of time, and the “ebb and flow” of our life’s path. It represents the peace we seek, and the “left foot forward, right foot forward” mentality that we need to maintain a path of forward trajectory. Jera represents the passage of time in rhythm to the breath of our existence. In and out. For as we inhale we draw intellect and wisdom from the universe, and when exhaling, we inquire with more questions, as we continue our quest for more knowledge.
Today’s runes tell us of our journey, and just as importantly the influences that our existence has on our trajectory. Imagine walking along a high mountain path. To our left is a mountain face that leads up hundreds of feet, to our left the same face continues straight down hundreds of feet. Our journey through this physical life time is like this path. The path is a gentle incline toward an unseen peak, and each step needs to be considered. These influences identified by the “four winds” layout is like the wind that is constantly pressing against us. Sometimes this wind blows hard from the right, pushing us against the rock face, stalling our forward progress. Sometimes the wind blows from the left, pushing hard against us toward the plunge of hundreds of feet. By having others on the journey with us, this is akin to having others on the path, with a rope tied to each of you, should one slip, the others can catch us. This is our existence. As soon as we understand this, we begin to figure out methods to use against these winds, that we may travel unabated.
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