Today’s Rune Reading – 23 January 2025

Dagen’s Indsigt Past Influences Raidho – “Journey, ordered growth, justice, action, sound advice, or rationality” Present Influences Isa – “The unity of being, self-control, ego-consciousness, or concentrated self” Future Influences Perthro – “Evolutionary change, joy, fellowship, knowledge of orlog, and good omens” Bedrock (things to remain) Uruz – “Understanding, pragmatic knowledge, health, luck, pattern, tenacity, vitality, constancy, and strength”
To reveal the influences of our past, we have drawn the rune of Raidho, in an upright position. The influences of our past indicate that the path that we have been traveling on has afforded us the opportunity to Implement the ordered growth of our spiritual understandings. We have received sound advice throughout our journey, that has given us a good sense of rational thought capable of being applied.
Our present influence is that of Isa, and it is in an indeterminate position. Isa is a powerful rune, as it represents “the unity of being”. Currently we are establishing a balance between the spiritual and physical existences at which we are engaged. We are forming our balance between the consciousness and the ego, implementing that self-control necessary to initiate the process of denying influential energies that may attempt to derail us in the future.
To further reveal our future influences, we have drawn the rune of Perthro and it is in an upright position. Our future indicates that we are well on our way to obtain our destiny of evolutionary change. Along this journey toward this change, it will bring fellowship, joy, and good omens. This is very exciting in that we are on the pathway to evolutionary change within the our perspective of our existence.
To understand what influences we should retain, we have drawn the rune Uruz in an upright state. Uruz is a very powerful rune, as it offers us the understanding that we should retain an intimate, pragmatic knowledge, for it to draw in our “luck”, vitality and strength. These are the energies that we will need to focus on maintaining, and open ourselves for allowing some of the energies to continue to manifest in our daily lives.
Today our runes speak of growth and achievement. Our past has afforded us some sound advice, that gives us a better understanding, particularly given the face that we are now really beginning to fully embrace a more full understanding. However, good omens are in our future, as is evolutionary change. We need to embrace this time of balancing our selves, that we may fully embrace the “unity of being”.
Be Well my friends.
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