Today’s Rune Reading – 24 January 2025

Dagen’s Indsigt

Past Influences

Tiwaz (Inverted) – “Tyranny, defeat, imbalance, injustice, over-sacrifice, over-analysis, or mental paralysis”

Present Influences

Fehu (Inverted) – “endings, poverty, atrophy, failure, or greed”

Future Influences

Jera – “timing, proper, peace, plenty, and reward for positive action”

Bedrock (things to remain)

Laguz – “divine influence in life, social order, awareness, intelligence, sustainability, and divine structure”


To reveal the influences of our past, we have drawn the rune of Tiwaz, in an inverted position. Today we recognize a past influence of many unwanted results, by the space around us. While it seems as if we are identifying many negative energies which may have caused a mental paralysis, we need to note that they are in our past and therefore are not subject to change.


Our present influence is that of Fehu, and it is in an inverted position. In its inverted position it demonstrates that a phase of our existence may be ending. Potentially the negative influences of the past are beginning to falter in their attempt to break us, leaving us the ability to observe the future of the proper place and time. Remember my friends, everything has a season.  


To further reveal our future influences, we have drawn the rune of Jera and it recognizes that our existence is all about timing. Every event, and every experience, has a proper time to enter our lifetimes, as well as leaving it. Remembering that we are here to learn, recognizing the many different experiences for the life lessons they are is crucial to our mental space.


To understand what influences we should retain, we have drawn the rune Laguz in an upright state. Laguz shows us that we should retain our divine influences, as well as the structure for our divine communications. Laguz brings us an awareness that we should keep as we grow into our future self.


Today our runes speak of change. They speak of this time that you have arrived at that affords you the opportunity to embrace that which existence has taught you and change your path. Our future, guided by the rune of Jera, reminds us that everything in existence has a season. Like the crops in the field, so too are the other lessons of life. Hold onto that belief in your deity, whoever, or whatever that may look like for you, know that they stand ready to assist you with knowledge and wisdom to help traverse our life’s journey.


Be Well my friends.


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