Today’s Rune Reading – 27 January 2025

Dagen’s Indsigt
Past Influences
Fehu (Inverted) – “endings, poverty, atrophy, failure, or greed”
Present Influences
Jera – “timing, proper, peace, plenty, and reward for positive action”
Future Influences
Inguz – “time for oneself, expectation, internal growth, gestation, or resting”
Bedrock (things to remain)
Sowilo – “faith in outcomes, life purpose, honor, goals, success, hope, guidance”

To reveal the influences of our past, we have drawn the rune of Fehu, in an inverted position. The influences of our past indicate that we may have experienced loss, endings, or failure in our past and may be under their influence in our present. While the lessons of the past must never be forgotten, there remains nothing that can be done about the way we responded, inappropriately or not. The key here is to learn from the past, and carry those lessons into our decisions of our future. It was a life lesson, not a life sentence.

Our present influence is that of Jera, and it is in an indeterminate position. Jera is a powerful rune as it represents the collection of seasons that comprise a year. With this rune in our present, we must consider that the season (or proper timing) for peace and plentiful is now upon us. We have learned from the past. As we focus on our journey, Jera in our present tells us that it may be the right time to take the next step forward in your evolution. 

To further reveal our future influences, we have drawn the rune of Inguz and it is in an Indeterminent position. Our future indicates that we should remember that, although we may introduce much intellect into our physical mind, we must always take time to fully digest it. Ensure that this new intellect is in alignment with our intrinsic beliefs and understandings. Taking periodic periods of time for rest and rejuvenation is critical to maintaining a healthy mind space.

To understand what influences we should retain, we have drawn the rune Sowilo in an indeterminate state. Sowilo speaks very strongly to maintaining a faith in the outcomes that we desire. Fully understanding our expectation allows us to better monitor and witness our intrinsic growth. Sowilo tells us that we should completely embrace the energy of hope. For it is through this energy of hope that success will truly be realized.

Our runes today speak of the proper timing that may be upon us to begin our next level of growth. It also identifies taking time to ensure that we retain the sanctity of our “selves”. By ensuring that our sources of energy are healing, and that our minds are clear of “stress”, we can ensure that our aura is capable of connecting us to the spiritual realm easily. Not without our faults, we must remember to learn from the past mistakes to avoid those paths in the future.

Be Well my friends.

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