Today’s Rune Reading – 29 January 2025

Dagen’s Indsigt
Past Influences
Tiwaz  – “It means even-handedness, honesty, victory, analysis, self-sacrifice, rationality, justice, loyalty, and faith”
Present Influences
Wunjo (Inverted) – “It could mean betrayal, deception, the blindness of danger, warns of caution, alienation, strife, sorrow, or stultification”
Future Influences
Ehwaz (Inverted) – “It means an enemy, indecision, nightmares, betrayal, mistrust, disharmony, and duplication.”
Bedrock (things to remain)
Mannaz – “It means divine influence in life, social order, awareness, intelligence, sustainability, and divine structure.”

To reveal the influences of our past, we have drawn the rune of Tiwaz, in an upright position. The influences of our past indicate that we may have been in a constant conflict with previous decisions, but now have begun a journey of decisions based on the betterment of the self. Becoming more even-handed when dealing with ourselves and those previous decisions, finding peace and comfort in knowing that we have learned and are ready to move on.

Our present influence is that of Wunjo, and it is in an inverted position. Wunjo represents the dream realm, with its primary energy source drawing from the well of hope within us. We must understand that to begin anew, we must first lay-waste to the beliefs of our past. Those limiting understandings of our pas must be destroyed for us to begin a new trajectory in our life’s journey. Some of these beliefs have been with us for a very long time, and therefore will require more of a violent end to be rid of them. Be strong in what you have learned and the new knowledge will destroy the old. 

To further reveal our future influences, we have drawn the rune of Ehwaz and it is in an Inverted position. Our future indicates that we should be wary of trusting too easily, for as sure as there are those who can benefit us, there are as many who wish to see us fail. Being cognizant of the actions of others around you affords us the opportunity to disengage with those who are not beneficial to us at this time. The energy at which these individuals may bring might derail our growth spiritually, therefore it is better to terminate relationships earlier, rather than later, in the effort to retain your positive energy.

To understand what influences we should retain, we have drawn the rune Mannaz in an upright position. Mannaz represents the perfect order, or intelligence, dealing primarily with the physical mind. It focuses our energy on connecting the mind to the heart in the “line of congruence” that will further assist us to obtain our “authentic space”. The rune symbolizes the attachment to the divine influence, which thereby aligns our intellectual needs to what we “feel” is the direction we should travel. By more closely binding intellect with emotion, we will better be able to see the reality in which we exist, more closely to the way it really is.

Our runes today show us a path of directing our energy toward the eventuality that we choose. By harboring and maintaining tightly the eternal energy of hope within our spiritual mind, we will always have the energy intrinsically to repel the negative energies offered by the physical realm. With the draw of Mannaz as that which we should retain, we will remember that we always have the authority within our own mind to dictate its thought process direction. The runes show us that, although there may come many influences that try to change our thinking, we possess the authority and energy to control the direction of travel.

Be Well my friends.

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