Today’s Rune Reading – 3 January 2025

Dagens indsigt
Today’s Insight Past Influential Energies       Laguz– Dreams, memory, unconscious growth, passing a test. Present Influential Energies       Ansuz (Inverted)– Bad advice, boredom, manipulation by others. Future Influential Energies       Uruz (Inverted) – Insensitivity, uncontrolled rage, ignorance, weakness. Energies to Remain the same       Ehwaz – Friends, loyalty, trust, teamwork, marriage, harmony.
We are embracing the magical energy understandings today as we celebrate Freyja’s day. The rune Laguz in an upright position tells us that today we need to recognize the unconscious growth of our past by reviewing our dreams and memories, as they will show us the lessons we are to take away from those experiences. We have passed the examination of those past experiences, now is the time to move into the moment that we find our consciousness, the present.
Ansuz in an upside-down position, speaks of bad advice we may be receiving in the present. It may speak of those around us who seek to manipulate our interpretation of our reality. We need to be cognizant of these attempts to derail us from our path. Be aware of boredom, as it may seek to undermine the steps we have already taken toward our goals.
Our future influences are that of Uruz in an upside-down position, we must remain vigilant that our minds do not subscribe to beliefs that do not match our “congruent line”. Laziness of management of the thought process is no reason why we should succumb to the uncontrolled rage, as it is a symbol of weakness and ignorance. It serves no purpose but further connect our thoughts to the negative energies around us.
As all the trials and tribulations swirl around our interpretations of reality, we much hold steadfast those principles within each of us. That of loyalty, trust, teamwork, and generally seeking harmony instead of discord. Now is a time to remember the oath we swore to the gods when we joined with our spouse/partner, placing our entire trust in those who love us. In return, we must remember to be worthy of their trust in return.
Today marks a wonderful day for each of us to create a mindset of “seeking harmony and joy” wherever we go, and whoever we are with. Remember, those around us, who attempt to manipulate us, are only successful if we allow it. You can make a choice to be happy, and to draw back your casted energy to provide healing for your own mind and body. If you are completely drained, this it will be difficult to provide necessary energy to others.
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