Today’s Rune Reading – 31 December 2024

Dagens indsigt
Today’s Insight Past Influential Energies       Hagalaz – Inner harmony,completion, changes for long-term good. Present Influential Energies        Isa – Unity of being, ego-consciousness, concentrated self. Future Influential Energies       Fehu (Inverted) – Endings, poverty, atrophy, failure, greed. Energies to Remain the same.       Nauthiz – Achievement through effort, innovation, recognition of your ultimate truth.
As we embrace the courage of Tyr today, we recognize that the influences of inner-harmony, completion have influenced our mindset within our past. Now is the time to grow from this intellect, as you have sought the long-term changes necessary to regain your spiritual footings along your path.
Currently we find the influencers of ego and consciousness in a form of conflict as we seek to fully understand and embrace our forward trajectory through a physical life. We should seek all methods of ensuring that these two states are maintained in balance that we experience a “unity of being”.
Looking toward our future we see the influence of an inverted Fehu. Fehu in an inverted state here represents the fears that many carry in their hearts about the unknown of the future. By being prepared for these attempted influences on our mindset, we are better prepared to deal with, and subdue them.
In much the same as most experiences we have, achievement is accomplished through the application of ourselves and our desires toward the common goal. Nauthiz represents the innovation of manipulating our perspective to accomplish the recognition of our ultimate truth. The truth of knowing where we are on our spiritual path and remembering that we possess all the authority and energy to alter that trajectory.
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