Dagen’s Indsigt
Past Influences
Ehwaz – “It means friends, loyalty, marriage, trust, teamwork, and harmony.”
Present Influences
Perthro (Inverted) – “It could mean unknowability, fantasy, delusion, loneliness, stagnation, emotional or psychological addictions, or doom.”
Future Influences
Othala (Inverted) – “It means genocide, racism, xenophobia, homelessness, poverty, slavery, totalitarianism, or lack of customary order.”
Bedrock (things to remain)
Fehu – “It often represents control, money, travel, energy, foresight, social success, and new beginnings.”
To reveal the influences of our past, we have drawn the rune of Ehwaz, in an upright position. The influences of our past indicate that we may have been given the lessons in which we learned to trust others, to align in harmony with other existences on this plane. This trust has been learned to be extended, even when the perspective is different. These are great lessons of our existence, for it is through the extension of this trust that we begin our formation of harmony within our lives.
Our present influence is that of Perthro, and it is in an inverted position. We must always remember that it is our perception of something that creates the polarity of understanding. By accepting these lessons of Perthro in an inverted state, we recognize that our existence will present some challenges and that we must be able to master the art of energy management in which to ensure we keep our minds safe. While this influence may seem negative to some, it might be just the shake-up we need to alter our trajectory through this life-time. Our present moment is about understanding our responsibility in this process.
To further reveal our future influences, we have drawn the rune of Othala and it is in an inverted position. Our future indicates that there are many lessons in which we need to explore our understanding about our trajectory, and our responsibility within that trajectory. Like the present, our future rune is telling us that we need to be cognizant of our part to play within the manipulation of our trajectory throughout our lifetimes. While it may seem to be overwhelming negative influences with this rune in our future, keeping in mind that these are the influences that will affect our mental processing gives you total control as to whether you succumb to them, or DENY them.
To understand what influences we should retain, we have drawn the rune Fehu in an upright position. Fehu is the first rune of Freyr’s Aett, or family of runes. As such is represents the “new beginnings” within our life, directional changes that we consciously choose to embark upon. As such, we must never lose the knowledge that we can choose to have “new beginnings” whenever we want. Keeping in mind the new experiences that will accompany this change, we must never fear it. Be strong and courageous in your decisions to direct your existence the way you want to go.
Our runes today are reminding us that the power to direct our lives the way we want it to go is purely in our hands. Our perception of this existence that we are navigating, is our responsibility and that we should never fear a new beginning along the way. It would seem that our past has brought lessons of managing our mental space, and it would also seem that we are being tested, victory will be ours as we arrive at the enlightenment we seek.
Be Well my friends.
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Nattleysi (Summer Months)
Skammdegi (Winter Months)
The image of the Shaman is credited to April Olsen 2024.
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Celebrating throughout the Generations
For 2025