Today’s Rune Reading – 4 February 2025

Dagen’s Indsigt
Past Influences
Inguz – “Time for oneself, expectation, internal growth, gestation, or resting. When reversed, it means immaturity, frivolity, movement without change, scattering, or impotence”
Present Influences
Hagalaz- “An inner harmony, completion, corrections, controlled crisis, changes for the long-term good, change according to ideals”
Future Influences
Nauthiz – “Achievement through effort, personal development and life lessons, need-fire or self-reliance, innovation, recognition of your ultimate truth, or resistance”
Bedrock (things to remain)

Gebo – “Divine vision, sacrifice, honor, magical exchange, gift, and generosity”


To reveal the influences of our past, we have drawn the rune of Inguz, in an indeterminate position. The drawing of the rune Inguz in the past position indicates a history of personal development that may have led to internal growth of our understanding of our spiritual connection. The rune reveals a planned burst of our intrinsically, stored energy to move us from that place to where we are now. These influences have now been stored in our memories that will thereby alter the interpretation of the reality in which we exist. Because of the indeterminate position of the rune, this would indicate that we have questions about the effect these energies have had on our existence thus far.


Our present influence is that of Hagalaz, and it is in an indeterminate position. Hagalaz is the rune of chaos and represents a very important lesson in understanding the chaos to truly embrace the order of any peace within the mind. It reveals that our personal past has afforded us lessons in understanding how our choices affect our future opportunities, and it is by embracing changes within our existence that we can fully adopt our lessons to achieve evolution of the mind.  Hagalaz represents the unknown, in that the chaotic nature of hagalaz means that unexpected events  will occur that we need to learn to become fluid with.

To further reveal our future influences, we have drawn the rune of Nauthiz and it is in an indeterminate position. Our future rune reveals a path where it will require some mental effort on our parts as we seek to sort the “wheat from the chaff”. However, there does seem to be an urgency attached to our future destiny. a necessity of coming into being. Manifestation in our physical lifetimes. Nauthiz also cautions us about remaining vigilent to our core values and retaining the authority to deny certain energies.

To understand what influences we should retain, we have drawn the rune Gebo in an indeterminate position.  Gebo reminds us to retain the appreciation for our accomplishments, and forgiveness for our perceptions of our failures. Gebo reveals the sacrifice that we will make of all those traits and skills that do not serve our greater good, while reminding us of the necessary gratitude we should retain for our resilience in continuing to power through, even in those times when it took every last drop of our energy to take the next step. 

Our runes today reveal to need to recognize the value we are. To recognize the challenges that we have faced, and conquered, in the physical journey toward a destiny. Our runes tell the tales of our past being lessons that led us to this very moment, and will continue to do so as long as we are willing to remember to look back from time to time. Absorbing the lessons of our past to plot a solid path to a future filled with the value of joy, harmony and love. We may have been beaten down in the past, we may have felt as if we failed, but it was those lessons that have taught us how to move powerfully toward the future of our choice. 
Be Well my friends.
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