Today’s Rune Reading – 5 February 2025

Dagen’s Indsigt
Past Influences
Mannaz (Inverted)- “Intellectual arrogance, elitism, bigotry, collective suicide, self-delusion, blindness, mortality, and depression.”
Present Influences
Tiwaz- “Even-handedness, honesty, victory, analysis, self-sacrifice, rationality, justice, loyalty, and faith.”
Future Influences
Kenaz (Inverted) – “Over-conceptualization, elitism, arrogance, ignorance, lack of creativity, inability, breakup, decay, and disease.”
Bedrock (things to remain)
Fehu (Inverted) – “Endings, poverty, atrophy, failure, or greed.”
To reveal the influences of our past, we have drawn the rune of Mannaz, in an inverted position. Mannaz in an inverted state reveals that we have experienced an intellectual arrogance in our past, that it may have influenced our decisions, and our behaviors, solely based on some level of elitism. This blinded us from fully experiencing the truth of our existence, bringing with it, a force of depressive energies, and thoughts about our mortality. The memory of the emotional states that these scenarios created within our blossoming mind should be stored as beacons of direction without the emotional damaged that may have been incurred.
Our present influence is that of Tiwaz, and it is in an upright position. Today the runes demonstrate that we are making the right decisions now along our path. While the past may have taught us to accept more humility within our existence, we are beginning to see the balance within our human lifetime. It is this even-handedness that is being extended to the self that is allowing us to embrace the error of our previous ways and make the changes necessary to obtain the balance within our mind to retain the faith necessary to conjure a future that we want.
To further reveal our future influences, we have drawn the rune of Kenaz and it is in an inverted position. The drawing of this rune for a glimpse into our future indicates that we should be overly cautious as to falling into the trap of elitism again. Embracing tightly those lessons in humility to maintain a balanced perspective to our spiritual understandings that have manifested. As we move forward, we need to ensure that we maintain an open mind to the many different perspectives around us that may offer us pieces of intellect that have been missing from our own understanding. Actively seeking knowledge and wisdom is a key to success.
To understand what influences we should retain, we have drawn the rune Fehu in an inverted position.  As the first rune within the structure, Fehu offers insight into the understanding of the seasons, for as we know, when one season ends, another begins. We must retain the willpower to release the past, and its influence, in the hope of continuing our evolution toward our destiny. While Fehu in an inverted state may seem negative, one must remember, it is all about the perspective in which we choose to look at it from. Our knowledge of the seasons should teach us that as some things end, some things begin. Be open for new paths to be revealed. 
The path revealed today by our communication with the gods, speaks of a past filled with arrogance and blindness. They caution us to be mindful that those states of arrogance do not resurface in our behaviors. The runes also display for us the understanding that we have begun to make the “right” decisions for our growth, and are moving back to our spiritual evolutionary path. We must retain the faith that we are enough, that we possess the willpower to resist the temptation to resubmerge ourselves in behaviors and beliefs of the past, that we alone can dictate our future. Being cognizant of our thought processes will allow us to control the energies attempting to influence, and the energy that we are emitting to our surroundings. 
Be Well my friends.
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