Today’s Rune Reading – 6 January 2025

Dagens indsigt
Today’s Insight Past Influential Energies       Ansuz– Open path of communication, intellect, transformation, divine inspiration. Present Influential Energies       Laguz (Inverted)– Toxicity, poison, manipulations, depression, emotional blackmail, fear. Future Influential Energies       Jera – Timing, proper, peace, plenty, reward for positive action. Energies to Remain the same       Isa – Unity of being, self-control, ego-consciousness, concentrated self.
Today, Mani’s day. We celebrate the launch of “New Reality TV” ( With our celebration, we must look into our past and see that this moment needed us to have open lines of communication, proper utilization of our intellect, and divine inspiration to drive the transformation within our thinking. Each of these facets came to us from a myriad of methods and places, most often, when we were not paying close attention to our experiences within this lifetime. But you had these things. You implemented them in your life to get you here.
Although their remains a darkness (not bad or evil) regarding Laguz in an inverted position, we see that the surrounding world may bring toxicity, poison and manipulations. To be aware that these energies are out there and are trying to influence our trajectory through this existence. We must remain “on-guard”, being willing and able to DENY that energy around us. Be strong in who we are, and what we’ve accomplished. Be proud of you. You’ve done an amazing job being you. Keep the faith.
In our future we see the Rune of Jera brings an understanding of timing, for we know that everything in this existence has a season. It is through the understanding that time is the best idea for healing and growth. This embracing brings with it a peace, and reward, in of itself. We may interpret this gift of understanding as the plenty, for we know when we lower the complexity of our lives, we find the simplicity brings forth a level of comfort and contentment.
With Isa as our Rune of direction to maintain, we find it displays our sense of being, our self-control. Recognizing our ability to maintain control of the energies that enter into our thought process.
Be sure to celebrate with the wonderful collective at New Reality TV, you can find them on the web at
Be sure to check out our online store. [Image]

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