Today’s Rune Reading – 7 January 2025

Dagens indsigt
Today’s Insight Past Influential Energies       Wunjo – Prosperity, accomplishment, fellowship, harmony, joy. Present Influential Energies       Hagalaz – Inner harmony, completion, controlled crisis, changes for long-term good. Future Influential Energies       Gebo – Divine vision, sacrifice, honor, gift, generosity. Energies to Remain the same       Algiz – Protection, higher life, awakenings, connection to the gods.
Tyr brings us the embracing of our intrinsic courage. The courage to be ourselves. While the rune tile shows us Wunjo in an upright position for the influences of the past, we must accept the credit for what we have accomplished. Whether that be making friends, of just finding some way to provide harmony with those around us, maybe even stalling or eliminating conflict between others. The future is paved by the lessons of the past, therefore continue to remember the prosperity of accomplishment in our past. Dwell in it when the times seem darker, bringing in the light of joy.
The idea of having the rune Hagalaz representing our present influences is to understand that there could be chaos all around us, that does not mean that we need to subscribe. Being courageous enough to walk our own path, and maintaining our mental space is paramount. Today, based on the other runes offered by the gods, Hagalaz brings an inner harmony, and control to the crisis as we look more intrinsically to obtain or maintain our own mental health. By practicing this intrinsic view, we can minimize the impact of the chaos around us.
We can see the rune Gebo is representing our near future, and we know that Gebo typically indicates a divine vision, of gifts, and generosity, but there is a sacrifice. We need to be cognizant of the sacrifices we need to make in the quest to find harmony, and ensure we maintain our space just for us. For all too often we may become swept away in the service of others that we forget to maintain our own mental health. Retain your awareness of your energies and emotional states as we move forward under the watchful eye of Gebo.
Self-maintenance is a very powerful factor we must always keep in mind as we travel along the trajectory of our lives. As we can see the rune Algiz shows up in the self maintenance position and it is in an upright position, thereby offering the light of intellect upon us. It would seem that we must maintain our connection with the gods, and stay true to the idea that we have begun a section of our journey that includes a spiritual awakening that we have invested some of our heart into.
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