Today’s Rune Reading – 8 January 2025

Dagens indsigt
Today’s Insight Past Influential Energies       Othala – (Inverted) Genocide, racism, homelessness, poverty, totalitarianism. Present Influential Energies       Tiwaz – Even-handedness, honesty, victory, self-sacrifice, justice, loyalty. Future Influential Energies       Algiz – (Inverted) Fear, loss of divine link, hidden dangers, consumption by divine forces. Energies to Remain the same       Laguz – (Inverted) Manipulations, avoidance, circular motion.
Godmorgan and happy Woden’s day to you. Today’s rune reading indicates much we need deep contemplation about. There are energies surrounding us that can cause much disruption within our thought process and take us to emotional places we don’t want to be. You have been influenced by energies within your past that may have seeded darker thoughts, that may be resurfacing now as you turn toward future experiences. Be wary of thoughts that speak to those darker places, or that want to take us back to those darker places. The inverted position of Othala speaks of darker thoughts and feelings that may have been embedded many moons ago, but while out of our primary view, it may remain in our peripheral vision. Be cognizant of your thought process, ideas, or memories, that want to draw us back to a darker time.
In the present we find ourselves supported by an upright Tiwaz. Tiwaz represents the warrior spirit, as it is the Rune of the Norse god Tyr. One of the most powerful threads within Tiwaz was the idea that we would be ultimately successful when we employed honor, and loyalty. Loyal first to yourself, then to those you love. By remember that most of those who history has noted as victorious either fought because they loved that which was behind them, or because they fought and won as a team, an army that stood firm together stood a much better chance of success. Be willing to pull an equal share of responsibility for our emotional states as they fluctuate throughout the day, ultimately the control of your responses to experiences you have, are yours.
Our future path is guided by an inverted Algiz. This revelation calls that you fear losing a divine or spiritual link as you learn more each moment of each day. You worry that you will uncover that which some may call evil or bad spirits or deities. You need to keep a vigilant eye on what you believe, and why, as well as the way you are directed to feel. Each spiritual interaction brings a multitude of possibilities and opportunities, be willing to direct your mind and thought process to that which brings you peace and comfort. You need not concern yourself with a potential loss of divine link as the gods will never forsake you, for they, like me, need your perspective of the experiences we are enjoying in this reality.
Finally, as we embrace the power of Woden’s (Odinn’s) day, and seek the same wisdom Odinn did, let us consider what we need to maintain within our thought process. While effectively managing the energies entering into our thought process, we recognize that there will be need to manipulate these energies the way we see fit to ensure that they do not undermine the balance within the wisdom we have constructed. Sometimes we may need to exercise avoidance to ensure that this balance is maintained. A circular motion is always necessary that we review and remember the past, that we avoid repeating the same mistakes, for we know that when the lessons of our history are forgotten, they are repeated. Maintain the balance my friends.
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