Today’s Rune Reading – 9 December, 2024

Dagens indsigt
Today’s Insight Past Influential Energies       Algiz – Protection, higher life, awakenings, connection to the gods. Present Influential Energies       Dagaz– Paradigm shift, the ideal, hope-happiness, awareness, awakening. Future Influential Energies       Uruz– Understanding, Pragmatic knowledge, health, luck, constancy, strength. Energies to Remain the same       Gebo– Divine vision, honor, magical exchange, gift, generosity.
Today we celebrate the mental control of the Norse god Mani. We recognize the protection that we have experienced in our past (things could have been much worse). We recognize the connection to the gods through our awakening to this higher form of life. We know that it has been necessary for us to travel the path we have taken, although it may not have been as “fun” as we would have hoped, it provided the foundation at which we stand today.
As we experience this lifetime through our sensory input, we recognize the influence that hope and happiness have on our interpretation of experiences. Our current awakening brings an awareness to the situations we experience in which we possess the mental control to manipulate our perspective of it. As this ability to manipulate our perspective comes more into focus, we will witness the paradigm shift the runes speak of.
Our future influences are the stuff that success is built on. Not societal success, but intrinsic success. The arrival of understanding and pragmatic knowledge forming the foundation of our wisdom, while luck and good health maintain to be influential energies that we must understand. Constancy and strength will carry the heavier loads in our future.
Finally, in today’s reading, we recognize the necessity to maintain the divine vision, and honor with ourselves as we attempt to uncover the deepest mental struggles we experience. Remembering the exchange of magical energies we find that we are able to withstand the potential negative energies around us, and continue to offer our generosity and gifts of who we are.
Copyright © 2023. Alaskan Úlfhé∂nar, and Whispers of the Norse. Property of the Alaska Outlaws LLC, Anchorage, Alaska. All images and names are the property of Alaska Outlaws LLC.