Today’s Rune Reading – 9 January 2025

Dagens indsigt

Today’s Insight
Past Influential Energies
      Fehu – (Inverted) Endings, atrophy, greed, failure.
Present Influential Energies
      Odinn’s Rune – In connection with the other runes cast, means exploration, willingness, openness.
Future Influential Energies
      Ihwaz – Protection, initiation, endurance, movement toward enlightenment.
Energies to Remain the same
      Uruz – (Inverted) Brutality, insensitivity, uncontrolled rage, ignorance.

Godmorgan and happy Thor’s day to you.

The rune reading for today indicates change is in the present moment, and that it begins with us. Looking into our past experiences, we are shown by the rune Fehu in an inverted position, the failures of greed and atrophy that brought endings to many experiences in our lives. These are experiences to be remembered, for it is through these lessons that we have a direction in which to move ourselves along our path forward. While these energies of the past may seem negative, looking back, it may not have been so clear during those moments, as we know it can be very challenging to oversee a war from the perspective of an individual battle. Do not be too critical on yourself for falling victim to these exhibitions, as they were necessary steps to take to reach where you are today.

In the present we have drawn Odinn’s rune. While Odinn’s rune may seem to be blank, it is like a glass of water, we can see it either in a negative (half empty), or positive way (half full). I have prayed to Odinn for him to provide guidance here, and he has given me visions of exploration, willingness, and openness, indicating that our present experience is that of an earnest quest to discover the next revelation of our existence, whatever that may be. Emotionally, you may feel vulnerable to the spirits over the next several moons, however, it is all included in our openness to learn different perspectives in hopes of expanding our own.

The influence that the runes speak of within the experiences we have yet to enjoy, or our future, is displayed by the rune Ihwaz. Ihwaz is in an indeterminant position, meaning it could be seen as a negative, or a positive. My meditation has indicated that today it represents a positive. From the readings we can see that it includes endurance, which indicates that our future path includes times when we will need to be cautious and aware of the influential energies that may come into our existence. Every particle of energy can be seen by the fragile human, physical mind, in either a negative or positive way. By learning to control our intrinsic energies, we can make a conscious choice to seek the “good”.

Finally, the reflection of the rune Uruz inverted is indicative of brutality, insensitivity, or ignorance. Sometimes along the path of our existence we need to remember that we will need to protect ourselves and be willing to be brutal about that. Retaining our spiritual/physical balance is a critical key to our success. It is paramount that we block out the negative energies from entering into our thought process, or energy stream. Those times we feel the most vulnerable, we must be the strongest intrinsically to protect ourselves from these adversaries of growth and enlightenment.

Remember, you are your most powerful ally in the battle for your mind, and emotional control, be ready to commit all your energies to keeping yourself safe and healthy.

Be sure to celebrate with the wonderful collective at New Reality TV, you can find them on the web at<;!!KX-aonTnHEU4Heo!hLxsyoQlCqN-_KCfAP0cM4FPIxukppQga3wm84usQ1ievWdmPAxld1NKKm6ViP–XzIaNOrNv0CxwEwXIPOzWHkvm2us$>

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