Today’s Rune Reading December 2nd, 2024

Dagens indsigt

Today’s Insight
Past Influential Energies
      Nautiz – Personal development, life lessons, achievement through effort.
Present Influential Energies
      Gebo – Divine vision, sacrifice, honor, generosity.
Future Influential Energies
      Laguz – (Inverted) – Toxicity, poison, fantasy, manipulations.
Energies to Remain the same
      Berkano – Sanctuary, liberation, shelter, becoming, and birth.

Today we recognize the past effort that we have spent in reaching the point we are now. We have learned, sometimes through trial and error, that the path we have chosen to engage with, can lead us to ultimate enlightenment. To get there, we may need to travel through the valley of doubt and dispair.

Our present speaks of receiving divine visions, obtaining the will to sacrifice our time and energies in obtaining a greater level of understanding and connectivity with our ancestors. Having learned throughout our past, we should consider sharing this knowledge with all those around us, for this ushers in the establishment of intrinsic honor.

The future is indeed fraught with challenges as we face the influence of toxic people and practices, we battle the poison perpetuated by many around us. Being wary of the god Loki, as he attempts to manipulate us away from our path with promises of fantasy.

We must remember to maintain that special place within our minds that allows us to retreat to. The sanctuary of our congruent thought. Shelter within the storm of our future. Remember to take time for self healing and self promotion, as it will serve you well against the attempted influences of our future.

Copyright © 2023. Alaskan Úlfhé∂nar, and Whispers of the Norse. Property of the Alaska Outlaws LLC, Anchorage, Alaska. All images and names are the property of Alaska Outlaws LLC.