Today’s Rune Reading December, 3rd, 2024

Dagens indsigt

Today’s Insight
Past Influential Energies
      Ansuz (Inverted) – Bad advice, manipulation by others, delusion, misunderstanding.
Present Influential Energies
      Hagalaz – Inner harmony, corrections, changes for long-term good.
Future Influential Energies
      Isa – Unity of being, self-control, concentrated self.
Energies to Remain the same
      Dagaz – Paradigm shift, the ideal, hope-happiness, awakening.

Embracing the courage of Tyr, we recognize the past influences that have guided us to this place in our lives. This path becoming a necessary part of who we had to be to become the person we are. These influences altered the way we needed to look at the world, to see the advantage of the growth we’ve now experienced.

Currently as we gaze around our lives, we may note the rune of chaos seems to be a large part of this current part of our path. One must keep in mind that order cannot exist without chaos. We will never understand the balance that will come without first recognizing the chaos around us. Hagalaz also brings the influence of an inner harmony, where we begin to recognize the necessary storm that will bring the calm within the eye.

Although our future runes are that of ice, foretelling of stagnation and slippery surfaces making passage seem like eternity. We must remember, when we are willing to slow down to place our feet appropriately on the icy surface, we can bring to build up momentum, which can ultimately allow us to slide across the surface without much effort on our part. It becomes a matter of perspective when attempting to get traction in this stage of our life.

This is where we need to maintain the state of hope, and that of happiness. We must remember those steps that we have taken towards awakening. Focusing on the ideals that lie out there, changing the way we see, and more importantly, feel, our world. Dagaz translates to “dawn” meaning that we can retain the beauty of a morning sunrise with the promise of new experiences to be had that will continue to guide us toward our destiny.

Copyright © 2023. Alaskan Úlfhé∂nar, and Whispers of the Norse. Property of the Alaska Outlaws LLC, Anchorage, Alaska. All images and names are the property of Alaska Outlaws LLC.