Today’s Rune Reading – Monday, December 23rd, 2024

Dagens indsigt
Today’s Insight Past Influential Energies       Wunjo – Accomplishments, fellowship, harmony. Present Influential Energies       Uruz – Understanding, health, luck, constancy, strength. Future Influential Energies       Pertho (Inverted) – Unknowability, delusion, loneliness, addictions. Energies to Remain the same       Hagalaz – Inner harmony, corrections, changes for long-term good.
As we embrace the control of Mani, we are reminded of those influences that have shaped us into who we’ve become from our past. However, at the same time, Wunjo reminds us of all that we’ve accomplished through the fellowship of those around us throughout our lives. The rune speaks of the ability that we’ve had to harmonize with many of those energies around us.
Our current influences that we have in our lives is that of the understanding of our trajectory through this lifetime. Understanding that we shouldn’t take for granted those items of luck and health, but reminding us that we should seek to find the consistency of applying what we’ve learned to the challenges that enter into our lives. Retaining the understanding of the “strength of mind” is one of the keys that will help us discover a better mental space.
Future influences brought by the recognition of Pertho in an inverted display indicates that others may attempt to sway our thought processes and feelings as delusions or “craziness”, using abandonment as their tool of applying shame and guilt. Be true to who you are and what you believe and you will find others who recognize your journey and want to be a part of it. The desire to incorrectly apply energy to a physical act, such as addictions is a constant threat that we should be aware of. Ensuring that our heart is in the right place is the best way forward.
While the rune of Hagalaz being the rune of Chaos, sometimes it is only through Chaos can we recognize the order necessary for our lives. By maintaining our thoughts and beliefs of inner harmony, and changes for the long-term good we can combat those influences of an inverted Pertho. Constantly seeking corrections in our trajectory ensures that we are traveling in the direction we wish to go.
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