Today’s Rune Readings – 10 December 2024

Dagens indsigt
Today’s Insight Past Influential Energies       Fehu– Control, energy, foresight, social success, new beginnings. Present Influential Energies       Othala (Inverted) – Poverty, homelessness, slavery, totalitarianism. Future Influential Energies       Ehwaz– Friends, loyalty, trust, teamwork, harmony. Energies to Remain the same       Thurisaz– Constructive conflict, regenerative catalyst, directed force.
As we embrace the energy of Tyr today, we are reminded of the control, and energies of the past. How these energies may have led to social successes which will serve us well in our future, as well as new beginnings. Remember the past is carved in stone, it cannot be changed, the necessity for us to understand it and the lessons we take away are an important part of our journey.
Currently we may feel as if we are drained of all our energies, leaving us feeling impoverished and homeless, restricting us to feeling under a yoke of totalitarianism, maybe even bound by slavery to earning financial steps forward. This is a temporary state, remember, to see things as they really are, we must modify our perspective of these life’s experiences to embrace the paradigm shift we may need to re-establish our joy and happiness.
In the future, the love that we have offered in our past will come full circle and be expressed to us through the association with friends and family. The loyalty that we have established in the past will bring forth a team harmony that can encourage us to the success we seek.
As we close out, we must remember that we must always question ourselves, and our thoughts. Your mind and soul are changing as they experience different facets of this lifetime. We should always seek intrinsic reflections that we may know what we feel we believe, and what we do not. While being a harsh critic on our own beliefs may be necessary from time to time, we must also keep in mind that we also need to provide generosity as we praise ourselves for accomplishing what we have. It has been a somewhat difficult journey so far, and take stock in who and what you’ve become, you have done a GREAT job!
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