Today’s Rune Readings November 26th 2024

Dagens indsigt
Today’s Insight
Past Influential Energies
      Gebo – Influenced by a divine vision, magical exchange, generosity.
Present Influential Energies       Ehwaz (Upright) – Friends, trust, teamwork, marriage. Future Influential Energies       Hagalaz – Inner harmony, completion, changes for long-term good Energies to Remain the same       Kenaz (inverted) – over-conceptualization, breakup, ignorance.
Today the runes speak of being influenced by a divine vision in our past, understanding the magical exchange of energies of the universe, and receiving the generosity of the gods through the teachings of others. It has been these influences that have led us to this point.
As we embrace the understandings given to us by the runes, we must trust in ourselves that we may be able to control the influential energies of our present. By being a part of a team, and building trust within that team, such as marriage, or friends, we can firmly establish who we are and what we bring to the world around us.
While Hagalaz is the rune of chaos, it is through the understanding of chaos comes order, an inner harmony. As we complete each step in our journey along our spiritual path, we must remember that these are changes that are implemented for long-term good. It is very comforting to shake things up from time to time to ensure the things we have are securely in place.
While we witness change all around us here in the physical realm, we must focus to not become complacent, continuing to over-conceptualize those processes that are influencing us moving forward. Just as importantly we must remember that many times change will bring decisions that need to be made to free ourselves from previous methods of thought. This can be painful sometimes so we must always be ready to grieve and move forward. We must also remember that sometimes we need to deploy ignorance to block unwanted influences.
Copyright © 2023. Alaskan Úlfhé∂nar, and Whispers of the Norse. Property of the Alaska Outlaws LLC, Anchorage, Alaska. All images and names are the property of Alaska Outlaws LLC.