Today’s Rune Readings – 12 Dec 2024

Dagens indsigt
Today’s Insight Past Influential Energies       Ihwaz – Protection, initiation, endurance, movement toward enlightenment. Present Influential Energies       Ansuz – Open path of communications, intellect, transformation. Future Influential Energies       Algiz – Protection, higher life, awakening, connection to the gods. Energies to Remain the same       Inguz – Time for oneself, expectation, internal growth, resting.
Today we celebrate the god of Strength, Thor. We are reminded by the runes today that we have the past influences of enduring our initiation and have begun our movement toward enlightenment. Remember, enlightenment is not a destination, but a path to travel upon.
The current influences affecting our lives is embracing the received intellect, both from physical sensory input, and our spiritual connections to the universe. By maintaining an open path of communications to our ancestors, we have begun our transformation.
Our future influences speak of protecting ourselves each step along our path as negative energies will constantly seek to undermine what we construct. The awakening continues to bring in additional connections and offers us some protection against the forces of negativity.
The world of spiritual exploration offers our physical minds a glimpse of infinity. This concept can be a little difficult to fully wrap our minds around. We must be sure to take time for ourselves to ensure our intrinsic growth is maintained and encouraged. Resting the mind and body allows us to draw in universal energy to promote healing.
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