Today’s Rune Readings – 28 January 2025

Dagen’s Indsigt
Past Influences
Uruz- “Understanding, pragmatic knowledge, health, luck, pattern, tenacity, vitality, constancy, and strength”
Present Influences
Gebo – “Divine vision, sacrifice, honor, magical exchange, gift, and generosity”
Future Influences
Sowilo – “Faith in outcomes, life purpose, honor, goals, success, hope, guidance”
Bedrock (things to remain)
Ihwaz – “Protection, initiation, endurance, and movement toward enlightenment”
To reveal the influences of our past, we have drawn the rune of Uruz in an upright position. The influences of our past indicate that we have been in the building phase for our spiritual understanding. We have been struggling to “fit” this newly obtained information into our beliefs and mindset to assist us in moving forward in the right direction. Uruz also brings an understanding that “luck” is part of our existence, and that tenacity, constancy and strength are the keys to victory over these unproductive psychological influences.
Our present influence is that of Gebo, and it is in an indeterminate position. Gebo means that we are changing our perspective that we may fully appreciate the journey that we have accomplished so far. While we may have made some mistakes in our past, based on our perception today, these mistakes should be carefully scrutinized to determine the lesson that we can take away from it. Gebo brings a connection to the gods through our divine vision, and being in our present means that we are fully appreciating this connection to the deities, whoever they may be.   
To further reveal our future influences, we have drawn the rune of Sowilo and it is in an Indeterminant position. Our future indicates that we are on the correct path to achieve that enlightenment that we seek. Sowilo draws on many of the universal energies, powering our intrinsic chakras, ultimately the seat of the soul. Sowilo also gives our faith in outcomes, and life-purpose to that which we now seek with both hands.
To understand what influences we should retain, we have drawn the rune Ihwaz in an indeterminate state. Ihwas brings an understanding of the value of every season. A time to learn, a time to grow, a time to question the ancestors, everything has a time and place. Ihwaz expands on the ideas of our physical life where we are bonded to, then depart, this physical form in an enormous circle of existence. It instills the value of being able to initiate a new path when we feel the time is right.
Our runes today identify the path of learning that we have encountered so far in this physical existence. The remind us of lessons learned through the previous experiences that we have had, and their essential function in establishing our current belief systems and understandings. They also call out a future that is filled with universal energies as well as the education in which to use these energies for our benefit, ultimately revealing and adhering to our life’s purpose. Today’s runes remind us to retain our deep-seated value in the understanding of time passage, as well as knowing that each event is brought into our lives for a certain period of time for the express purpose of teaching us something.
Be Well my friends.
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