Today’s Rune Readings – 3 February 2025

Dagen’s Indsigt
Past Influences
Hagalaz  – “It could mean an inner harmony, completion, corrections, controlled crisis, changes for the long-term good, change according to ideals.”
Present Influences
Ihwaz – “It could mean protection, initiation, endurance, and movement toward enlightenment.”
Future Influences
Fehu (Inverted) – “It could mean endings, poverty, atrophy, failure, or greed.”
Bedrock (things to remain)
Thuriaz (Inverted) – “It means strife, annoyance, explosive violence, disease, dullness, betrayal, compulsion, defenselessness, or danger”
To reveal the influences of our past, we have drawn the rune of Hagalaz, in an indeterminate position. The rune Hagalaz is the harbinger of chaos and excited releases throughout the realm. As we may have experienced disasters within the physical realm, or the emotional understanding of our experiences, Hagalaz plants the seed of understanding the order of our growth amidst the chaos of life and beliefs around us. It brings an understanding as to what harmony, and completion is, with regards to our personal spiritual journey called existence. A powerful rune within our past, offering us a glimpse of understanding from the chaos about the necessary order.
Our present influence is that of Ihwaz, and it is in an indeterminate position. Ihwaz brings the glimpse into the eternity of a spiritual existence. It recognizes the bindings that exist between that of the spiritual and physical selves, helping us to begin the process of forming a solid understanding of the timelessness of our existence. Ihwaz in the present reveals that we are gaining an understanding of the structure within our minds of the connection between the spiritual and physical minds, offering us a balance within our existence.
To further reveal our future influences, we have drawn the rune of Fehu and it is in an inverted position. Our future rune reveals an understanding that we have begun a journey much deeper than originally considered. Both, from an intrinsic, as well as an extrinsic perspective. To learn about the inner workings of the universe is to understand the inner workings of our own mind. We have reached the end of an older way of thinking about our journey, forcing changes to become a constant state within our existence. We need to remain cautious that we don’t fall victim to atrophy, or greed, and recognize that our view of failure is simply a matter of perspective, instead of seeing it as a setback, we meed to see it as an opportunity for learning.
To understand what influences we should retain, we have drawn the rune Thuriaz in an inverted position. Thuriaz is the rune of the Norse god Thor. It represents the breaking of resistance and freedom of thinking. In an inverted position, it reveals our need for caution when maintaining certain mindsets within our consciousness. For our environments may bring violence, strife, and annoyance, however we must remain conscious as to the way we respond to these experiences, ensuring that we keep ourselves from succumbing to them.  
Our runes today reveal to use the authority and energy that we have within us to combat those influences that will attempt to manipulate our path in unwanted directions.We have the authority to change our perspective on every experience we have, as we can manage the way these events are translated by our physical mind, and more importantly, having the ability to control our emotional state. Every minute of every day, we have the power to change our perspective and decide as to where we want to go, emotionally, spiritually, and many times, physically. We need to remain ready to change our perspective to find the joy, the happiness, and contentment that we were born to experience.
Be Well my friends.
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