Today’s Rune Readings – 30 December 2024

Dagens indsigt
Today’s Insight Past Influential Energies       Dagaz – Paradigm Shift, the idea, hope-happiness, awakening. Present Influential Energies       Berkano – Secrets, sanctuary, liberation, life changes, becoming, birth. Future Influential Energies       Tiewaz (Inverted) – Defeat, Imbalance, Injustice, mental paralysis. Energies to Remain the same       Othala – Productive interaction, freedom, group order, prosperity, home.
Today, we embrace the mental control of the example set by the Norse god Mani. We are reminded of those influences that have shaped us into who we’ve become from our past. Today, Dagaz speaks to us about the paradigm shift we have experienced in our past, embracing the “idea” and “awakening” that would come after. Dagaz reminds us that it was the intrinsic hope and happiness that allowed us to see the silver lining of our existence, that fostered our arrival at this point in our lives.
Currently we find ourselves influenced by idea of secretly seeking liberation from our antiquated perception of our existence, and seeking the life changes of recreating ourselves into a better version of ourselves. Our currently thinking includes that of a sanctuary amidst the negative energy that may surround us sometimes.
An inverted Tiewaz is the harbinger of wisdom about the future influences that may attempt to break our trajectory toward self-enlightenment. Feelings of defeat, and injustice may temporarily mentally paralyze us in our path, we must be ready to combat this influence by maintaining our positive perspective, thereby “denying” those negative energies from affecting us.
By receiving Othala as our final rune, we recognize that it is also the final rune in the Elder Futhark runic alphabet. In the same breath, we must hold on to the values of productive interactivity, and freedom to maintain our thought process. Regardless of our financial situation, we must recognize the prosperity of friendship, love, and kindness that paints the sky in our perception of this reality in which we currently exist. By maintaining our group order we can successfully navigate the future influences to arrive safely at the shore of our destiny.
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