Today’s Rune Readings – 30 January 2025

Dagen’s Indsigt

Past Influences

Ansuz  – “It means open paths of communication, intellect, transformation, synthesis, word-power, or divine inspiration”

Present Influences

Raidho (Inverted) – “It could mean restlessness, wrongful imprisonment, hypocrisy, control freak, irrationality, injustice, stasis, rigidity, or crisis.”

Future Influences

Berkano – “It means, secrets, sanctuary, liberation, shelter, life changes, becoming, and birth.”

Bedrock (things to remain)

Pertho (Inverted) – “It could mean unknowability, fantasy, delusion, loneliness, stagnation, emotional or psychological addictions, or doom.”


To reveal the influences of our past, we have drawn the rune of Ansuz, in an upright position. The influences of our past indicate that we may have learned to communicate openly and honestly, we have connected to and communicate comfortably with the figure we refer to as our deity. Our past contains conversations that have been transformative in our perspective in the experiences of our lifetime.


Our present influence is that of Raidho, and it is in an inverted position. Raidho represents the “from” in our recognition and understanding of our spiritual journey, it forms the foundation within the explanations we have been presented with. While the inverted state provides a plethora of more negative (unwanted) ideas, they represent the influential energies within our existence that may attempt to change us. Being cognizant of these energies offers us an opportunity to prepare ourselves for these and build living mechanisms within our mind to handle them. 


To further reveal our future influences, we have drawn the rune of Berkano and it is in an upright position. Our future indicates that the wisdom that we have sought is beginning to create a framework within our mind and thought processes. Berkano displays the truth in understanding our growth to a place where we are liberating our mind and thought process to consider all the possibilities within ourselves. Having the mental freedom from stress and discord, thereby allowing creativity and love to flourish.


To understand what influences we should retain, we have drawn the rune Perthro in an inverted position. At first glance, Perthro identifies many different, more negative effects that could influence our existence. However, changing our perspective, we can quickly recognize that the memories of these events and emotions must be maintained in order to avoid them in our future. Remember my friends these are the things we must remember, for those who forget our past, are doomed to repeat it.


Our runes today display for us the understanding of a journey fraught with doubt and incomplete understanding. While the influences around us may attempt to undermine what we have learned and experienced, there is a future where the lessons of the past establish a solid foundation in which to build a mental freedom to further our spiritual growth even further. By remembering our past, and embracing the lessons therein, we find ourselves better prepared to move past them into a enlightening future of love and harmony.


Be Well my friends.


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