Today’s Rune Readings November, 25th 2024

Dagens indsigt
Today’s Insight
Past Influential Energies
Thuriaz (inverted) – Strife, annoyance, dullness compulsion
Present Influential Energies
Dagaz – Paradigm Shift, the ideal, hope-happiness, awareness
Future Influential Energies
Ehwaz (inverted) – Mistrust, disharmony, duplication, nightmares
Energies & Behaviors to remain
Berkano (inverted) – blue ring of consciousness, stagnation, insecurity
it would seemt that the Runes today have picked up on the strife I have had in my life up to this point, and the compulsion that I have surrendered to in the past. These influences led me down a path that deviated from that which I, now realize was not where I wanted to be.
My present influences are that of a paradigm shift, as even today, I find myself needing to adjust my path ever slightly to reconnect with my destiny. However, I am surrounded by the hope and happiness of my family, and myself as I become more and more aware of the spiritual connections around me ever day.
My future influences demonstrate that there will be many who may possess distrust in the teachings I offer, and possibly see them as creating a disharmony within the peoples. However, as the runes point out, there seems to be a piece that shows duplication, which I know is the key to success, so I remain teaching what I have been taught.
As the runes demonstrate, I remain insecure about the knowledge and wisdom I have been offered as it challenges the decades of education I have endured, as not all of the education I have received has served me well following the courses. I retain my ring of consciousness, which creates an unsettled belief in what I have been taught. Having always been a person who needs to “put my hands on stuff”, the spiritual journey through the mind is a paradigm shift from my previous behaviors.
Today will challenge our beliefs, it will attempt to stagnate us in our thought processes, attempting to distract us from our spiritual path of understanding. However, it will be through a will of spirit that we can retain our footing to continue our journey of learning and loving. We must be grow to be strong in our understanding, yet open enough to accept the values contained within all the teachings of peace and love. Regardless of the obstacles placed before us, we have the strength, and the choice to navigate through, over, or around them to accomplish our lessons in life.
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