Today’s Rune Readings November 27th, 2024

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Today’s Insight
Past Influential Energies
      Othala (Upright) – Productive interaction, freedom, group prosperity.
Present Influential Energies       Ihwaz (Upright) – Protection, endurance, movement toward enlightenment. Future Influential Energies       Ehwaz – (Upright) – Friends, trust, teamwork, marriage. Energies to Remain the same       Gebo – Influenced by a divine vision, magical exchange, generosity.
As we brace ourselves for the feast of Ullr and Skadi, and Thanksgiving, we must embrace the influences that have brought us to this place in our lives. Based on today’s runes, I can see a past that has had positive interactions with other spirits and deities. This freedom of the mind toward the idea of working with the gods, and not for them has brought a level of group prosperity, whether visible in the physical realm or not.
Today we are protected from those who would attempt to harm us spiritually. We are free to move toward a more enlightened state of mind, and do possess the endurance to make this journey. The only restriction to our growth is our fear of the unknown. We must conquer it.
Our future is filled with friends, and the teamwork that goes into many different aspects of our lives. Whether it be with our significant others within our marriages, or friends for social engagements, or the spirits around us to further our endeavor towards enlightenment. We need to harbor the energy of trust. Trust in ourselves that we are enough to vanquish what lies out there in the unknown of tomorrow.
Retaining our divine visions throughout all the potential turmoil that surrounds us each day is critical to our success. Remembering that although we may not have the physical sensory evidence of our success, it is there nonetheless. Believe in your magic. In the magical exchange that you offer your surroundings, do not surrender your faith, or your moral compass. Remember, the best way to receive spiritual energy is to give it, so be generous to those around you. Don’t stereotype anyone, simply offer your energy of care and concern, regardless who the recipient is.
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