
[image0.jpeg]Each and every day I am asked “what really is unconditional love?” Each day I answer the same way, by continuing to express our love towards utter denial, and our ability to continue the sending of this love energy, nor reducing the amount of love we send everywhere, we have achieved a level of unconditional love towards another.
I was taught by a Mongolian Shaman who demonstrated a little more brutally. After spending a lot of time with him, and in contemplation with him, where I authentically believed that our energies combined in such a way, supported by a level of trust, that I loved the man and told him so. Immediately, he reached up and slapped my face.
“Do you still feel the same way about me?” He asked as I resisted the easy temptation of anger. “I don’t know” I remember responding. He smiled his pleasant smile and said “had your emotions been altered by the way I rejected your energy, this would mean that there were conditions on the love you offer. It would not be unconditional love you are offering”. This was a very powerful lesson, for sometimes others will attempt to make us feel inferior, or weak, because they are incapable of accepting the love we offer. It is not our intrinsic resolution that needs to be altered, but it is their’s.
To this day I ponder this each time I utter the words, either to my shield maiden, my children, my ancestors, or to the many wonderful people who come in and out of my life each day. Their willingness to accept the energy of love I send them has no bearing on my willingness to continue to send it, regardless of the way it’s perceived.
So, for each of you, my listeners or viewers, remember, I love you, regardless as to whether you wish to be loved or not. I will always love you, I will always love you unconditionally.
With Love, Mark
Copyright © 2023. Alaskan Úlfhé∂nar, and Whispers of the Norse. Property of the Alaska Outlaws LLC, Anchorage, Alaska. All images and names are the property of Alaska Outlaws LLC.