Viserne | The Shows

The Tribe offers many different opportunities and ideas.

Of the multitude of release platforms and ideas, we here at the Alaskan Úlfhé∂nar tribe hope to give each of our followers/subscribers hope. Hope for a better future, and ability to grasp a better understanding of how their spirituality plays a role in their everyday mental health

The Lineup

Whispers of the Norse

The show, “Whispers” is a 30-minute show offered exclusively on the Ethereal TV streaming network, and offers a different perspective on our embrace of our own, personal spirituality. These small ideas and thoughts, are but whispers to exploring the influences and impacts of spiritual energy all around us on our everyday psychology. The show, hosted by an average traveler through this existence, offers us insight from his connection to both: his Norse ancestry, as well as his Celtic influences.

See more about the show (HERE)

Offered Exclusively on

Kveda | Interviews

Periodically the Shaman interviews other practitioners throughout the world to gain more perspective on our personal spirituality. These captured video episodes are released through our Patreon site, while the audio episode is released through the normal podcast release platforms (i.e., Apple, Spotify, iHeartRadio, and many others) for free listening. Currently we are in the process of “re-releasing” previously recorded interviews, so be sure to join us.

See more about the show (HERE)

Video episodes exclusively offered via

Forfædres Belysning

Forfædres Belysning (Ancestral Illumination) is our morning show which offers ideas and understandings based on the named god’s theme of that day. The show, offered each weekday morning at approximately 6:55 AM (Alaska time) offers an affirmation for each of us to take away and begin our day. The shows are transcribed and partially released with our weekly newsletter. A wonderful way to get our mind pointed in the right direction every weekday morning.

  • Monday is the Norse god Mani
  • Tuesday is the Norse god Tyr
  • Wednesday is the Norse god Odin (Germanic god Woden)
  • Thursday is the Norse god Thor
  • Friday is the Norse goddess Freyja

See more about the Show (HERE)

Available exclusively on our channel on

Andernes Vogtere

Coming Soon

The show Andernes Vogtere (Keepers of the Spirit) is coming soon to the Ethereal TV network and will offer a roundtable of individuals from many different “walks of life” both: as co-presenters, and contributing audience members, as our host opens a discussion about individual interpretations of the many different perspectives of our spiritual journey. The show, scheduled for an hour long, will offer a platform to learn and teach for everyone that attends. Details are still be worked out for the technology, however, we hope that many will join us each Sunday morning to offer the many different perspectives of living our lives everyday.

Stay tuned. More to come as we prepare to offer this exclusively on

Copyright © 2023. Alaskan Úlfhé∂nar, and Whispers of the Norse. Property of the Alaska Outlaws LLC, Anchorage, Alaska. All images and names are the property of Alaska Outlaws LLC.