Here we support the many individuals throughout the world who are working tirelessly to raise the vibrations within the world populations by helping individuals connect to their ancestry, their culture, themselves. We support many different organizations and people around the world, We will endeavor to keep this page as up-to-date as possible.
A brand new streaming channel available to anyone looking to enlighten themselves and grow. A wonderful group of people producing a message of growth and understanding, creating harmony within this existence we call life.
A super great collection of information about the Norse culture and its magical properties. In addition this awesome guy offers some additional products that make the perfect symbol of allegiance to the “old ways” of the Norse people. A wonderful resources for those individuals who have Norse blood running through their veins to connect to their ancestry.
Check out his YouTube Channel at Norse Magic and Beliefs
A super great collection of products for the Norse culture and its magical properties in addition to other paths. Our issue of thanks for the images on our footer displaying the months and other important time keeping information about the ancient Norse culture and its people.
Absolutely the best herbs available on the internet today. But, no only do they have a HUGE selection of wonderful herbs and oils, but know that they only use the best products available. This means that the herbs you get are 100% organic, and clean of any other contaminant. They are the best herbs for natural remedies, magical usage, or even culinary benefits. Did we mention oils? Of course we did. Why? Because from perfectly cared from herbs come some of the greatest essential oils available. We don’t just advertise for them, all the Shaman’s tinctures, salves, decoctions, and mixtures use Mountain Rose Herbs. He also uses only their products for his magical ceremonies and rituals to ensure the sacrifices to his gods are the finest that can be offered.
Visit them on the web, make a purchase, and support our operations here at the Alaska Úlfhé∂nar (CLICK HERE)
For all of you who want to surround yourself with the wonderful gift of artisanship, Please check out my friend’s perfect store on Etsy. With a multitude of items that provide decor and function for your home, they have everything you could need to make your home perfect. Customer service is beyond your wildest imagination of wonderful, and they try to get items shipped super quickly. Beyond comparison, the best shop for all your Danish decor and homely touches.
Far North Tinctures, located near Fairbanks, Alaska, was born of the need for providing health care for under insured family and friends who were not getting the health care they needed.
Realistically, the heath care that is available in our American system does not compare with what Mother Nature has provided for our ancestors for millennia.
Email us at and let’s see if we can change that.
Nattleysi (Summer Months)
Skammdegi (Winter Months)
The image of the Shaman is credited to April Olsen 2024.
If we’ve helped in any way, please be kind and support us by providing a small donation via PayPal.
Celebrating throughout the Generations
For 2025