Woden’s Day is here!

Woden day is here! Alaska Úlfhé∂nar is live! Transcribed from morning show.
Hi, friends, and happy Wooten’s Day. I hope today, midweek, that things are going your way, that you are excited, as excited as I am about this week. This week, we’re gaining experiences that we’re absorbing into our mind using all sorts of our sensory input that is bringing in imagery, it’s bringing in emotional energy, and it’s bringing in intellect. Right? When physical sensory input is input into the brain using one of the many senses that we have, it’s compared against what’s already in memory, this would be the relational matrix, comparing against what’s in our mind as far as our memories go, and then of course making a decision based on what it finds there as to what decisions we’re going to make going forward.
Woden teaches us, which by the way for those of you who are not very versed in Norse legend and lore, Woden is simply a Germanic name of an individual entity who would later be referred to by the Norse people as Now has a lot of memories and stories told in the saga, as he is the chieftain for the Æsir tribe. Now for those of you again kind of rough on your Norse legends and lore, The Æsir were a tribe of gods, which includes many of the god names that we’ve heard through the multitude of sources, whether they be, Thor, Freya, Tyr, Baldr. You know, all of these gods and goddesses were part of the Æsir tribe. Now, Freyja was technically not, she was actually a part of the other tribe of Norse gods and goddesses, the Vanir. Now Vanir the Vanir gods and goddesses are more agricultural based, more, they’re more, gatherers.
Okay? So if you think about the evolution of humankind, where back in the very beginning of human existence, there was the hunter gatherers, okay? Hunter gatherers would be more a Æsir, whereas the agricultural growing type of herding peoples who would come along later, those would be more the Vanir gods. Now both gods had plenty of powers and qualities about them that made them certainly worthy of tuning into, and they for many millennia, they would be at war with each other, and then to, build peace between the two tribes, they would they would do an exchange program. Okay?
And this exchange program would bring some Vanir gods and goddesses to live in Asgard, and then some gods the other way. And so, Freyja being one of the goddesses whom went to live in Asgard as part of the offering for this peace offering that the two tribes would come together. So Freyja, of course, being a chief goddess of the Vanir would go on to have quite few, few experiences and be revealed in the many, many different texts and oral stories that the Norse would pass on. Having a multitude of skills and abilities that she would use, including the teaching of magic to many that would go on to use that magic in many different ways, but one of the things that really coming back to the original topic, which was, and, same person. One’s Germanic, one’s Norse.
That’s tales the saga tells us about 2 main stories, with Ó∂inn, as he quested for wisdom. The first being that he would he would give an eye, one of his physical form eyeballs to the Norn sisters at the Well of Urd that he may drink from the Well of Urd. Now of course the Well of Urd being, one of the wells at which the roots of Yggdrasil is in. But the well of Urd contained all of the wisdom and intellect and knowledge of that which will ever be. So being willing to donate an eye was able to drink from the well, and gather the intellect and the knowledge.
This represents our education, whether it be whether in a formal school, or whether it be just growing up and observing and learning. So intellect and knowledge gained from the well of urn is essentially our education. Right? So our growing up, if you will. But wasn’t done yet.
Needed to learn above and beyond what came from the well of Urd, so would then Ó∂inn would impale himself on his own spear, Gungnir, from Yggdrasil, where he would hang on Yggdrasil for 9 days 9 nights without food and water, that he would see the power of the runes, the magical power of the runes. Now what is the magical power of the runes? Everyone thinks that they’re this or that or the other thing, but I want you to consider this. Each rune within the, Germanic alphabet of the represents a letter, right? So we could say Fehu.
Fehu equals f. Right? So Fehu, the letter Fehu literally translates to cattle. K? And so but fehu, the letter f for us, would then be used in conjunction with other words. So we say and we’ll say So, f o r t. Those individual letters have power, right? Because we say “f” you. I hate that. I I don’t use that very much, but I notice my kids do. So each letter has its own power. Right? So, could be used in the word fort, could be used in the word forgive, could be used in a multitude of words. Right? But the letter f has a particular value in of itself because it has a sound. That magic, bear with me, that magic is then combined with the magic of course being o. Now we have f o, and so on and so forth. So each letter we put into the construction of a word. Now we take that word and we add that to a sentence, and then a sentence to a paragraph or a conveyed thought or idea. Now there’s true magic. Right?
So please join us tomorrow morning 6:55 AM, Alaska time. We’ll be here, so I hope to see you then. My friends, have a wonderful Wooten’s day, and we will talk to you tomorrow. Love and light, my friends.
Copyright © 2023. Alaskan Úlfhé∂nar, and Whispers of the Norse. Property of the Alaska Outlaws LLC, Anchorage, Alaska. All images and names are the property of Alaska Outlaws LLC.