Reklame | Advertising

Advertising with the Alaskan Úlfhé∂nar

Everyone needs their advertising budgets to go a little further these days, and although our audience is fairly small, most are very committed to the teachings of our Shaman. With many different options available due to his many different venues of appearances. However, as a practicing Shaman in a world of doubt and questions, we maintain a fairly strict advertising “ethos” that we strictly adhere to. We (Alaska Úlfhé∂nar, and Alaska Outlaws LLC (parent company)) reserve the right to deny or cancel active advertising based on the adherence to our ethos without notice, nor refunds for costs incurred.

Current Advertising Opportunities

Advertising Ethos

Being a Shaman and a representative of the spiritual community, in addition to being Norse, all advertisement imagery, and societal behaviors of organizations providing advertisement will abide by the following expectations during the contract period. Determinations as to the violations of these rules of engagement are the sole determination of the Alaska Úlfhé∂nar and Alaska Outlaws LLC (parent company).

  1. No Hate Speech. As an organization committed to bringing people together to provide a greater good, we will not tolerate any type of hate speech or divisionary tactics used in the advertising.
  2. No Segregation. Again, as an organization committed to bringing people together, it is contrary to our mission that our advertisers produce a message of segregation or separation or elitism.
  3. No Degradation. We believe in equality among all physical life forms. We will not allow for ads that demean or degrade others for sake of promoting a product, nor the destruction thereof.
  4. No Misrepresentation. One of the cornerstones to a Celtic-Norse life was that of honor and truth. We expect that organizations that offer advertisement through our product channels maintain the highest level of integrity with us, and the end customer.
  5. Language check. While we understand the modern marketing tactics deploy “common language” frequently to promote an urgency or importance. We do not feel it is necessary and therefore won’t allow it on our productions.
  6. Family friendly. While our shows are geared toward adults, we ensure that the end product is safe for children to watch as well. Therefore selling any form of sexuality in advertisement space goes against these ethos in general, therefore we will not allow it.
  7. Superiority. This goes towards elitism, and degradation of other physical forms. We will cancel any form of advertising if an organization attempts to include this in any advertising.

When it comes to the organizational commitment to these standards, we feel that “actions speak louder than words”, therefore constant social media monitoring is maintained throughout the advertisement contract period. While we do not dictate any corporate behavior, we do request that you abide by these for the contract period.

Reputations are big in the business world, and while “second chances” are a huge part of forgiveness, we will ensure that your intentions are where you say they are. We would ask that we be advised of any known issues that may surface through the advertising cycle and reserve the right to cancel all active advertising for violations of these policies.

** All cancellations will enforce a no-refund policy which specifies that if, sponsorship is cancelled for policy violations, there will be no refunds for fees paid. In addition, we reserve the right to pull down any releases with violator's ads, and replace them with versions of the release that do not include the advertising.

Published Products

Whispers of the Norse streaming television program

Weekly episodes (52 per year)

- Ten (10) second splash screen during trailer.

- Opening credits production credits.

Forfædres Belysning

Daily episodes (260 per year approx.)

- Verbal fifteen (15) second "Shout out" with link on page.

- Small horizontal graphic on page (YouTube/Facebook/TikTok)

Åndernes Vogtere

Bi-Weekly episodes (26 per year approx.)

- Verbal thirty (30) second "Shout out" with link on page.

All program sponsorship include links and logos on website, and on weekly published newsletter.

Those whom we Support

Danish Vintage Cottage

For all of you who want to surround yourself with the wonderful gift of artisanship, Please check out my friend’s perfect store on Etsy. With a multitude of items that provide decor and function for your home, they have everything you could need to make your home perfect. Customer service is beyond your wildest imagination of wonderful, and they try to get items shipped super quickly. Beyond comparison, the best shop for all your Danish decor and homely touches.


Time Nomads

The Alaska Úlfhé∂nar wants to give a HUGE shout-out to our friends at the Time Nomads. We deeply appreciate their allowing us to use their images for the Norse calendars. As cultural Norse, we feel compelled to ask you to check out their site for any worship needs you may have in celebrating your heritage. Definitely worthy to take a look.

Media Kit

Alaska Úlfhé∂nar

Whispers of the Norse, Forfædres Belysning, & Åndernes Vogtere

Since 2021

Frequency:  WOTN (52 episodes a year – perpetual ) + Periodic Interviews, Belysning (260 + episodes a year - perpetual), Åndernes Vogtere (26 episodes a year - perpetual)

Website Visitors: > 300 downloads per month, > 350 page views per month
< 100 subscribers to the monthly newsletter

International Audience: > 300 Subscribers/Followers on Video media, > 300 Followers on Social Media.

Demographics: Male/Female 30/70, Ages 18 – 80, Nationality: US/Others 40/60

The Alaska Úlfhé∂nar produces a message of hope and promise by providing weekly teachings about the Celtic/Norse spiritual ancestry of the host and its application to modern-day life. By utilizing these ancient teachings, our message is that modern psychological issues can be managed and a happy, healthy life can be experienced by our listeners. In addition, our host offers teachings about individual paths of spirituality that the listeners can use to develop their own comfort with their understandings of their own spirituality.


“Whispers of the Norse”

Weekly Episodes

– Fifteen(15) second splash screen during trailer
**Limit two (2) per year.
$1,499.99 (USD)
– Opening credits production credits.
**Limit one (1) per year.
$3,299.99 (USD)

Program sponsorship include links and logos on this website, and on weekly published newsletter.

Production has just started for Season 5. Releases are scheduled starting April of 2025.

Streaming television program

 52 episodes per year

“Kvé∂a” Interviews

Periodic Episodes

– Fifteen(15) second splash screen during trailer
**Limit two (2) per year.
$1,499.99 (USD)
– Fifteen(15) second splash screen during opening
**Limit two (2) per year.
$1,899.99 (USD)
– Opening credits production credits.
**Limit one (1) per year.
$3,299.99 (USD)

Program sponsorship include links and logos on this website, and on weekly published newsletter.

Video Special Releases (Vimeo/Patreon)

Ads placed are stored in perpetuity, as they are embedded in video.

“Forfædres Belysning”

Weekday (Daily) Episodes

Month Year
– Verbal fifteen (15) second “Shout out” with link on page. $329.99 (USD) $2,771.91 (USD)
– Small horizontal graphic on page (YouTube/Facebook/TikTok)
**Limit one (1) per month.
$289.99 (USD) $2,435.91 (USD)

Program sponsorship include links and logos on this website, and on weekly published newsletter.

This show is available to the public in both: video, and audio formats, being distributed to many different providers of video services, and audio podcasts.

Morning Show Video Podcast

 260+ episodes per year

“Åndernes Vogtere”


Month Year
– Verbal thirty (30) second “Shout out” with logo and link on screen.
**Limit two (2) per program.
$369.99 (USD) $2,897.91 (USD)

Program sponsorship include links and logos on this website, and on weekly published newsletter.

Discussions Television program

 26 episodes per year

(Not in Production Yet)

Copyright © 2023. Alaskan Úlfhé∂nar, and Whispers of the Norse. Property of the Alaska Outlaws LLC, Anchorage, Alaska. All images and names are the property of Alaska Outlaws LLC.