Throughout my studies, and practices of my Norse heritage and beliefs, I have been challenged by many different individuals who have condemned me saying I am going to “Hel” because of my (church labeled) “paganistic ways”. While tempting as that might be, my beliefs are that, as a sworn Úlfhé∂nar of the all-father Ó∂inn, and the Skjǫldrinn covenant of 748, I will be granted passage to Valaskjálf where I will feast, fight, and drink with Týr until the time that all are reborn to fight in Ragnoråk.
However, I want to provide the questions and my answers here, so that others may learn and grow. If you’d like to ask a question yourself, please use the form [HERE]
I am not. I was actually the third generation of my family born in the United States. My great-grandmother was born in the Jutland of Denmark, while my great-grandfather was born in the Saxony Germany area. The couple immigrated to the United States in the late 1800s (1896 to be exact). However, I have begun to learn the language, as well as completed a substantial, comprehensive study of the peoples, the culture, and the history of Denmark. Prior to my great-grandparents immigrating to the United States, the clan had lived in Denmark for at least 18 generations, dating back to the 1400s where my research had run into some challenges. My Germanic family tree extended over 8 generations within North-Central Germany. So, I have an extensive family lineage in Denmark.
Are you appropriating the "Viking" culture?
I am not, Viking wasn't a culture, it was an action, not a people. My Danish culture is being embraced. Culture is adopted by the individuals who decide to embrace it. Although attempting to manipulate the culture to match the desire of the individual denigrates the legitimacy of others who have adopted a rich cultural heritage. The ideal position would be the alignment of personal beliefs and practices with those of the culture adopted. As personal discoveries are made, whether they be pictures in the attic, or DNA searches through ancestral sites, the idea that one can begin to align the celebrations of their heritage is what has driven the explosion of particular cultures worldwide. They say, that imitation is the best form of flattery, so too must be the adoption of an ancestral culture. I arrived at the adoption of my Danish heritage in a much different way than many, I arrived academically. I studied religions throughout the world and listened to my heart in discovering what made the most sense and felt right in my heart. This is where I have arrived. Home. Home, with an 18 generation heritage from Northern Denmark. In addition to that, as our ancestors communicate with us through our hearts and minds, we acquire their core values and this is where I have discovered my personal definition of peace.
I am not. History tells us that the basic understanding of the word "Viking" was a verb (action) and not a noun (person, place, or thing). It was never used to describe a people. My heritage certifies that I am a Germanic-Dane, and I do not currently engage in (what would be) illegal activities of stealing from one group to give to another or keep. However, I celebrate the accomplishments of my family's history and understand that all able-bodied men of Denmark between 900 and 1100 spent their lives working the farm while taking time to perform raids along the (what is today) French coast, and particularly along (what is today) England's coastlines returning the riches acquired by the churches there to the average people. My ancestors traveled as far south as the Mediterranean Sea in establishing trade routes and embracing the many different cultures of the day.
Well, I guess I would be. As a current resident of Alaska (61.2181° N, 149.9003° W), and being 55+ years old, I guess that qualifies. As the word "Norse" translated to "North", thereby anyone further north than the Elba River would have been considered Norse. So then, I guess I am indeed old Norse.
Isn't the study of Heathenism evil?
No. Paganism means that one is a villager, while being a heathen is simply a gardener and neither have anything to do with the rich culture of being a Dane. However, my studies provide an understanding that coexistence with the spirits of the planet is an essential part of life. No different than that of mainstream religions, the primary difference is the absence of named individuals. Norse culture recognized that one's destiny was the sole responsibility of each individual, reserving the names of the referred to within the Norse Mythology as role models who possessed the attributes that we humans should seek to emulate.
How many Gods are there in the Norse heathen religion?
Technically, going back to the earliest transmission of the practice, we know that most early Germanic-Danes did not see the (later described as) Norse pantheon as Gods. Most actual Scandinavians would have referred to those listed as "ancestors" who had great abilities and could accomplish great feats because of their personal skills which became "legends". So, for all intents and purposes, those named individuals throughout the sagas and other stories were humans who crossed over the BiFrost to become (later believed) gods. Life in these early days was all about "the self". Making the appropriate changes in one's life to ensure that Verðandi sewed a life's tapestry of honor and valor. Due to the arrival of the written language at or about the time of these monotheistic practices arriving in Germany and Denmark, those scribes (who were typically practicing Christians) translated the oral traditions and legends in a negative fashion in order to attempt to sway the population, as they did not understand the full breadth of the beliefs/practices. In addition, these original scribes were attempting to convert the peoples to their new practice and beliefs, so many of the stories were given a negative twist.
Why does the Norse creation story sound very close to the Christian creation story?
Much of what we know about the Germanic-Dane or Norse legends come from the Christian authors who migrated north from the religious practice's birth in the middle east, to eventually overwhelm the locals by convincing the royalty of the day. My supposition here is that those authors plagiarized much of those stories to provide a lineage for their newly developed practices. You can quickly see many similarities between the much older Germanic legends and understandings woven throughout what would become Christianity. In addition, in most cases, the similarities would assist in quicker adoption due to the perceived lack of change by the common population of the time. Without a factual backstory, the Christian authors confiscated the local legends and oral stories to provide a narrative that they could use to persuade the local populations.
Yes but not the only, there were several (what we call countries today) who participated in the act of Viking. There were many establishments throughout the "Age of Vikings" that would spread out throughout all of Denmark, Norway, Iceland, and Sweden. The Danish, also known as Danes, were the most politically organized of the different groups who participated in Vikings. This is why Danish kings played a greater role in Norse invasions long before Norwegian/Swedish. The Danes were the strongest of the Norsemen both in political and military power. They were also the first of the three to convert to Christianity (almost entirely by the end of the 9th century). The Danish wanted to discover and establish trade routes with the West. Their focus was put on France, England, and the Mediterranean parts of the world. The Danes were the original group to participate in “Viking”. The bulk of the raids came from Denmark, Southern Norway, and Sweden (the areas around the Kattegat and Skagerakk sea areas).
Given the evolution of theological understanding, why practice the way you do?
I do not give any credence to the "so-called evolution" of monotheism that conquered much of the entire world, most of the time by force. Monotheism was developed as a psychological form of controlling the masses that had come to existence by that time in history. By controlling the population using guilt/shame, as well as the imagined authority for punishment, this form of worship to monotheism allowed individuals to obtain and retain powerful positions while getting incredibly wealthy. Monotheism is the first recorded time in history when humans celebrated the "haves versus the have nots", and promoted the robbing of the poor to support this new practice. Monotheism is a single perspective to a much larger concept and the practice that was associated with the major monotheistic religions created a level of tolerated violence that should indicate its lack of truth.
How do you explain when a child passes unexpectedly?
Technically they do not pass unexpectedly. Before our birth to our physical bodies, we are given our lifespan by one of the Nornir sisters, Urðr. Ultimately we know how long we have to spend in our physical forms, therefore it is only those people around us who feel the loss. The good news is that once we live our physical forms and appear before Skuld, she reads our tapestry to determine which hall we will spend our time in before Ragnoräk, where we all will join the remaining ancestors to rebuild and live again.
How do you explain cataclysmic events throughout the world?
It is life. No one ever said it was going to be easy. Events happen within our lives to teach us things. Whether it's the emotional growth from loss, or how to make better things, there are lessons to be learned in all the events that happen. The idea is to learn from them. This is ultimately the overall objective of having a physical lifetime in the first place. Its when we are distracted from our primary mission of learning that we can find ourselves with a tapestry that doesn't get written the way we wanted.
If you had to say, what would be the single most damaging tactic used by these new religions (Christianity, Muslim, Judaism)?
The single most damaging psychological portion of these new religions is the guilt/shame cycle that is based on one person's implementation of what they wanted the society to exhibit. This idea of "sin" has caused more psychological issues than any other single practice. Whenever I counsel friends, I ask them about their beliefs when it comes to "sin", and in almost every case they credit their belief in these monotheistic practices. Whether it's the actual practice, or their attempt to rebel against that belief, nonetheless this single practice has caused the most psychological damage. In addition, the United States was founded on these same types of beliefs, so many of our current laws reflect this, thereby adding to the guilt complexes that many carry the burden of.
How do you live as a modern-day American-Dane?
Believe it or not, it actually makes living a "normal" life easier. As my life isn't dictated by anyone else's definition of "right or wrong", I find myself capable of avoiding the emotional maelstrom that follows life's decisions, particularly when that choice may go against what the "church" says I should do. My everyday function is about providing the best I can for my friends, and family, without having to concern myself with meeting any prerequisite set out by people who really don't know me, or my situation. While I ensure that I stay within the confines of the localized "laws" to avoid conflicts there, within the privacy of my own home I am free to be myself without guilt or shame. I have fewer concerns about offending others, and more concerns about making sure I take care of myself without giving credit to some imaginary "deity" while shouldering all the blame, I get to keep both, credit and blame.
You bring up the concept that the Danes were the most political. Are you political?
No. I hold no, nor would I hold, any office of legal standings or political affiliations, I distrust them all equally. I am a simple man who has been given the gift of extended sight into the life and times of my ancestors, as well as a bond to the Landvaætti. I have come to honor and respect my heritage and embrace it entirely. I am opinionated, stubborn, and quite frequently, a nuisance. But, I have a gift of having deep-seated peace in my heart and mind and look to help others to find their balance.
You speak negatively about Christianity. Are you against the practice of Christianity?
No, I recognize that each individual must choose what works for them to provide them comfort and peace of mind. While I recognize the absolute truth in the practices of my ancestors, I am cognizant of what some people feel is the right thing for them, and if that practice gives them strength and comfort, then by all means continue that. The difference here is that I will not condemn you to a place called "Hel" because you believe differently than I do. As a counselor for a great group of people, I am saddened at the psychological impact that the value judgments have had on the masses, and wish the impact could have been accomplished in such a way that the retribution to the average belief system wouldn't be so ingrained in today's culture.
I study the Norse Pagan beliefs too, will I go to Valhalla too?
No. According to the legends, and sagas of those early Germanic Danes who established these beliefs, only half the warriors who die in battle, and lived honorably will be invited to eternally reside with Ódinn in Valhöll (Valhalla), while the other half will be invited to Fólkvangr with Freyja. However, if you do not die in battle, you will still be invited to reside eternally with our ancestors in Ásgarðr, it will simply be in another great hall in which feasting and drinking is an all-day affair, after all, there are nine realms and many different great halls with the gods. Most will be invited to Lundar with the beautiful side of Hel, where you will enjoy a peaceful forest setting and moderate weather until Ragnoräk where all will be restored.
How do you feel about women's equality?
I believe it with every fiber of my being. My personal belief is that "Powerful independent women scare boys, and excite men". My ancestors depended on one another for their very survival. While they may have served stereotypical roles within the family, there was never any need to do anything else. But, make no mistake, women within my ancestry could hold every bit of ground that the men could. In early Danish cultures, women could own land, and even divorce their husbands, so they have most of the same rights as the men, and there is a substantial amount of documentation that demonstrates where women attended raids on foreign shores in combination with the men.
What do you believe about race equality?
I believe, and my ancestry supports it, that a man is a man, regardless of what color his skin is. His value is purely based on his individual honor, and not whether we look alike or not. When considering the suffrage that my ancestors would have endured in the dark winters of northern Denmark, an extra pair of hands to help with community needs was looked at as a benefit to the clan. Skin color is never calculated in the equation. My view, shared by my ancestors, is honor dictates the value of a human, and nothing else.
Isn't this all about "Hocus Pocus" stuff?
I don't think so. While my ancestors and I enjoyed the embracing of "magic" and spiritual channeling, my Doctorate studies in Psychology says that there may have been some merit to what some may call channeling or magic in general. By following the evolution of the human brain development from the days before the Anatomical Modern Human (AMH (like us)) migrated out of Africa about 196 thousand years ago, we see where the division occurs in behavior between instinct and a "spiritual" sensory input. By applying modern-day science and understanding to these ancient techniques we discover that there was "something else" that developed alongside the synapse generation of the brain. So, long-story-short, I'm not seeing any hocus pocus stuff.
I am both. As answered in the next question, the beliefs of the early Celts forged the understandings of (what would become) the Norse peoples. I have ancestors who were of the Norse peoples (primarily northern Germany and Denmark), and those who were Celts (of southern Ireland). These two cultures destiny's had become intertwined long before any of those countries became named.
How did these two cultures combine?
If one studies any amount of history, then one would recall that although the Celtic culture would have its origins on the Iberian Peninsula, the peoples migrated throughout all of Europe, spreading as far south as Italy, and as far north as Scandanavia and Scotland. Especially during the great migration period around the turn of the geological epoch. As the tribes migrated north through Germania, they would evolve, and perfect their understandings before crossing the Elba River to the north leading into (what is today) Denmark. These peoples studied and learned the ways of the Landvætti, becoming knowledgeable in what they were taught. They learned of the gods from the Landvætti. At this time in history, what we know to be religion was engraved within the hearts of a regional culture. It was these regional cultures that provided the different perspectives necessary to understand the spiritual beliefs that would arise.
Actually, very little. While the Norse celebrated a polytheistic representation of gods, they also understood and became congruent with the Landvætti, thereby understanding the spiritual connection between man, and the gods. While many attempt to celebrate the differences between all religions, as a believer of the Celtic-Norse culture, I have adopted a very clear understanding of how I, as a modern man, interact with the spirits around me, as well as the deities above me. In the sight of our deities, there is no difference between the reverence of one versus another. We are all here to learn.
Why have you chosen to study and practice the way I do? While technically I am not a practitioner of heathenism, most religious scholars have labeled me as such. I prefer the term, content. I am merely living my life transcribing the teachings I have received from the spiritual "Landvætti" over the last couple of years. So, I'm not really a heathen, that's technically a label from the monotheistic churches that identified anyone outside the folds of their beliefs.
Where does this "spirituality" come from? The spiritual connections that all humans stem from the evolutionary days before our brains began to develop into what they became. The animal kingdom maintains a very strong spiritual connection with everything around them, which has convinced me that, we (as humans) must have had this same communications channel within our instinct until it became "second nature" as our cognitive thought processes exploded following the migration out of Africa. Ultimately, our ability to send and receive spiritual connections to our surrounding environment is the primary remaining portion of our instincts.
In laymen's terms, how does the average human receive this spiritual connection? I believe that all spiritual communications are received at the "midbrain", or upper portion of the brain stem. This received signal is then associated with and is transmitted to the brain in the form of sensory input. Many among us have a learned skill of discarding the information ("selective hearing") that is the evolutionary tract of discarding some skills. However, if the ability to discard this skill was possible, I believe that many humans would have done it centuries ago, but were unable. This further supports the concept that it is required in the human condition.
Why do you feel as if there is this "spiritual sense" you speak of? In the consideration of anthropological psychology, we know that a multitude of spiritual recognition happened throughout the world, yet was very similar at its core belief. As we consider the timelines, we note that these civilizations were thousands of miles apart, and almost certainly had language barriers that would have prevented them from communicating these types of beliefs to others. We can see in the historical record where each migratory group from the birthplace of modern humans developed a spiritual connection to the world around them. I will admit this is the single most important fact that I have found that supports the reality of spiritual existences around us.
What has convinced you of a "spiritual world"? As I mentioned above (in the previous question), the independent, worldwide development of beliefs that were incredibly similar at their core was certainly pivotable, however, this fact was introduced to me after I learned to communicate with the Landvætti myself. This communication led to years of education by these spiritual sources who enlightened me about the physiological connection to all of this. The more I have worked within the psychology of others, particularly with the "demons of war", I have come to an in-depth understanding as to who these spirits are, and what they need to accomplish.
How can a spiritual world exist in the same time and space, yet invisible to most humans? Human arrogance is rampant here. While the proof of multiple dimensions has existed for quite some time, the reality that there are other dimensions overlaying ours, leads us all the way back to the days that the indigenous American peoples referred to these spirits as "mysterious ways", and the fear of the unknown has always terrified most. The idea that we don't know something, or have a good (scientific) handle on something has been funneled into something to be feared by the early monotheistic practices.
What are your beliefs about life after death? I am convinced by a multitude of factors that our physical lifetime is but a time of our existence spent in a classroom. Nothing more. In the early days of my ancestry in Northern Denmark, they believed that following the departure from the physical body, an individual would visit the Nornir sisters ("the fates") at the tree of life where Skuld would read the tapestry sewn by her sister Verdandi detailing the events throughout our lives. This tapestry would demonstrate the honor and other traits to ensure the proper eternal feasting hall to reside at awaiting Ragnorák. I am more convinced today, than I have ever been, that this is indeed what awaits us following our short stint here on Midgard (earth).
Do you believe in religion? Religion by its secular definition, yes, absolutely. I am convinced that there is a deity portion to our spiritual existence, that is used to communicate our needs and wants to our deities, as well as the surrounding spiritual influences that can produce results in "real-time" here on Earth. I also believe that many seek too much comfort here in hopes of making things happen in their lives without any associated "action steps".
How does one communicate with this "spirit world"? Ask the universe a question. Ask for help with something. Then, be still. Be quiet. Pay attention to thoughts moving through one's mind. Know that you are being communicated with and that we just need to take an extra moment for the truth to reveal itself. Now, I guess I should caveat this by saying, sometimes the answer is "No". There are some instances where your spiritual guides may be directing you in another direction. One has to listen sometimes when we don't want to.
What would you say is the most misinterpreted idea of the spiritual world? The single most misinterpreted idea is that spirituality must occur in the physical plane of existence. Ghouls and ghosts from television and movies are total misrepresentations of those types of entities. This would be followed quickly by the idea that we (as the human race) are smart enough to be able to measure, and therefore quantify any existence of life. Humans have become so arrogant in this regard. Just because we (humans) can develop a tool to measure something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It means that the "infinite being" whom we call god is smarter than we are.
Why is the personal "Aura" so important? The individual "aura" presents to the spiritual and physical planes of existence a representation of "the self". This representation provides information about the spiritual "completeness" of the individual, displaying for all to see the honesty, emotional status, and vulnerabilities, to both the spiritual and physical planes. This is how many find the attraction to others for friendship, or even more intimate relationships. It is when one's personal aura intersects with another's aura, that truth can be found as to compatibility. But, most importantly, the main function of the aura is to create a vacuum of sorts, to attract communications with one's deity. By producing a message of need, the deity may (depending on other factors) decide to grant you favor in addressing your needs. Sometimes, based on what message we are portraying with our aura, the deity decides to smite us instead. The aura is very important for drawing in the types of energies we would like in our lives.
What exactly is an Úlfhé∂nar? The Úlfhé∂nar of Norse legends were similar to the Berserker that could enter a trance-like state to decimate opponents in combat. Used by King Haraldr hárfagri as "shock troops" (or special forces of the day) to ultimately unify Norway. However, following the evolution further back, we find the Lombards of Northern Germany (Saxony) making threats to send troops "with the head of wolves" to conquer their opponents. The Úlfhé∂nar were the "shaman-warriors" of the Norse age, focusing on the usage of the Landvætti to wage war on two planes of existence. With their command of the spirit world, they could employ the Landvætti to strike fear into their opponents before arriving on the battlefield. When not in combat, many Úlfhé∂nar spent that time working with Galdr magic, to advise their leadership of potential threats.
What led you to believe that you are an Úlfhé∂nar? Ó∂inn appeared to me in a vision to inform me of my life's journey, and to confirm my birthright as one of his Úlfhé∂nar. The event where this was disclosed on my website at [Link Here]. However, I had been on a journey of discovery where a near-death situation of a heroin overdose in a drainage culvert in Tucson, Arizona is really when I began to hear the soft guidance being offered by the Landvætti again. Following three months of terrible visions and struggle, I became clean. That night, my great-grandmother appeared to me in a vision and foretold things to come. However, the journey finally cumulated in my acceptance of my birthright.
What makes you so sure that these "spirits" are not just your overactive imagination? While many have tried to convince me of this, I must say that I am actually more sure of the spirits than I am of most people. I have come to have a relationship with the Landvætti who interact with me every day. We talk about all manner of things within my daily life, as well as spend time transcribing the facts they speak of, as to have it in writing. I am amply aware of the difference between "seeing" something that exists, and something I want to exist. There have been many cases where this gift seems more like a curse.
How do you think humans discovered the spirits throughout the lands? We have to go way back in antiquity. Back to a time when humans were migrating out of Africa and discovering the world. There wasn't as much sound as there is today, and language development (as we know it) was still a series of sounds and not the formal idea transfer that we have today. Yet, many different societies discovered the same idea of other existences upon the planet. The theory would be then, that these spirits must have presented themselves more obviously, maybe even being able to lead those early humans to discoveries known only by the Landvætti knew of. I also believe that the communications between the spirits and other lifeforms are part of the instinctual thinking that many of these early humans still had.
What are these forms you call the Landvætti? The Landvætti come in many different forms, as they have evolved in the same manner that humans have. The first group are the "original spirits of the land", created by the deity in the beginning of time. In Norse legend, according to my great grandmother, were created from the broken portions of the original giant lifeform whom Ó∂inn and his brothers slew to create the universe. In addition, ancestors have free movement across what the Norse called the BiFrost (made popular again by the Marvel films), where one could travel between the nine realms. This means that they are capable of visiting Midgard (earth) when desired. Finally, we find many spirits that never traversed the BiFrost to meet Skuld at the well of Úrd to determine their eternal hall, instead chose to stay where they were their physical existence ended. Either because they left some tasks incomplete, or because they wish to stay with their material things buried with them.
What are the different types of spiritual existences? There are hundreds of different types of spirits within the spiritual plane, however, there are also key ones with whom I have been introduced via the Landvætti. The first is the (so called) "originals" who have existed since the dawn of time. They have witnessed the whole of the earth's creation and humankind's rise to supremacy. They are incredibly wise as they have witnessed much action, and inaction throughout time, and have learned from it, however, these spirits do not possess the sensory experience of events, so they are more factual than the others. The second is the ancestral group of spirits who have experienced the sensory input of physical life, so they can provide more emotional connection than the originals. Finally, the last group would be other life forms. This includes all the animals both alive or passed, the megafauna and the spirits of the environmental pieces (i.e., Sun, Moon, Winds, Seas, Mountains, Rivers, etc.) who have experienced a different sort of sensory input, so, therefore, provide a different perspective on living a physical life as a human. All of these spirits cross paths with the physical plane of life frequently.
What is the "god sense" that you call out? In my understanding of human connections to the spiritual world, there are major "channels" if you will, that foster this communication. The first is the "general" spiritual channel that allows us to reach out and connect to other life forms, as well as them reaching into our psyche. The next is our "aura" which is more or less an extension of the self, or radio tower for spiritual connections to locate. The last channel is our "deity channel" or god sense, and this is where your deity or deities can communicate directly with you to help guide you along your path of enlightenment, and understanding. This channel allows for our deity or deities to give us information that we can use to make our decisions in life. In my beliefs, this channel helps us by providing advice, so that we are still free to choose our path.
How do these spiritual influences "appear" to humans? In most cases I have discovered, this influence will occur to humans as "ideas" they have, or "feelings" they get about different topics, depending on what's being asked. While I have witnessed some physical plane manipulations occur, typically it is at the suggestion of others that these manipulations occur. In lieu of having the appearance of something occurring "magically" many of the Landvætti have learned to simply "encourage" another human to accomplish the task "as an idea they had".
How did spiritual evolution parallel the migrations of humans throughout the world? Again, I believe that the spiritual connections are part of our "instinctual thought process" which is placed in our being before birth. In all living things. The understanding is that the animal kingdom is directly connected to this spiritual plane, and therefore it is part of their internal process to communicate broadly amongst the spirits who can provide direct knowledge about what the animal needs to know. I believe that as the cognitive thought process blossomed within the human brain, we find the instinctual channel began to shrink. Definitely by the time reach the conversion to Agriculture from the hunter/gatherer the instinct has taken a backseat to everything else. In the meantime the spiritual connection was relegated to the "out of direct consciousness" as well, meaning the Landvætti needed to rely on "suggestion" to the modern humans.
Do you believe in the religious "human creation" theories? Yes, and no. Do I believe that a deity actually created two humans, dropped them on earth, and breathed life into them? No. Do I believe that a deity created a design that would "evolve" and adapt to its surroundings to become what the human race has become today? Yes. While I completely support the idea of a group of central deities that manage all life throughout the universe, I believe that those deities have more wisdom than our finite human mind can comprehend. It absolutely amazes me the arrogance of humans to think they are smarter than a deity that made all life in the universe.
Do you use Runestones, Tarot Cards, or an Ouija board to speak to the spirits? I'm glad someone asked. The idea of channeling spiritual communication can be done in many ways, however, as mentioned in the question, there are also a long list of "tools" that can assist us in our focus. The conversations I have had with the Landvætti over the years have been conversations just like we are having here, however, I have been speaking and listening to them for decades now. Of the listed tools within this question, I have chosen to stay true to my Norse ways and use Runestones on occasion. Typically I do a "how's life" question every morning with the runestones just to get the connection re-established, then throughout the day, I have "normal" conversations. Finally, I rest my body and either travel with them, or review information they wish me to know.
Nattleysi (Summer Months)
Skammdegi (Winter Months)
The image of the Shaman is credited to April Olsen 2024.
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