Release Date: November 1st, 2023
Hello my dear friend. Velkommen, or welcome. Welcome to this week’s show, where today I’d like to talk about how your brain sees the past and the present. I’d like to explain, from an in-depth technical perspective what the past, present, and future really mean to the human mind and how it processes the construct of “time”. Hopefully during the last segment we can talk about how we can minimize the influence that our concept of time has on our forward path. I’d like to ask that you sit down for this one as some of the ideas that we’ll talk about may impact our intellect with a great deal of force.
Segment 1
What if I told you that, within the human mind, there was no difference between the past and the future?
You would probably say, phooey! However, if you really think about it, there really isn’t any difference to your physical mind. Based on an interpretation of the human mind, previous experiences we have already physically experienced, versus the ones that are being received at that moment is the only difference between the past and the future, however, the brain processes them equally as a vision input. The present is then reduced to the instant the future becomes the past, a micro sliver of our physical existence where the entirety of our consciousness resides. Many might think that the present is what is happening in our life at any one time, however actually the present in a microburst of an instant where we experience what happens, making the recall of the event from a different perspective, of what did happen and associating an emotional signature to the event. While our understanding of the present is that it is a collection of instants that form what we know as our physical existence, each of these instants have optional physical body responses and just as importantly, many more emotional chemical releases into the bloodstream thereby producing different trajectory outputs. In a collection of thousands of instants that make up each second of our lives, we need to be cognizant of the optional outputs at each one, giving us total control of our trajectories in this life.
Segment 2
When we consider the influence that each of these events has on our psyche, we should give them more attention to ensure that we are in control of our emotional releases instead of letting our emotions get away from us. As we experience an event in our lives, our physical sensory input receives data from the sensory input (for example, the optic nerve) which then travels through a chemical composition surrounding the nerves from the entry point of the eyes to the brain. This chemical composition is altered by a plethora of factors, primarily among them is the emotional state of the individual at the time. As the signal transmits from the eye through the nerves, it must cross several “synaptic clefts”. These clefts are miniscule gaps between the pre-synaptic and post-synaptic nerve cells with the biological body. Typically, our intrinsic metabolism provides the energy to create the neurotransmitters (but not always) that will traverse this gap continuing the signal to the receiving mechanisms in the brain. The signal is completely dependent on the composition of the fluid within the cleft, as well as surrounding the nerves to transmit properly to the brain. With the dependency on the fluid comes the potential that this fluid may alter the signal, thereby manipulating what we think we remember, or what we think we see. The good news here is that the brain retains a “relational” data connection with the experiences already stored within the brain, thereby giving it the opportunity to further alter the incoming signal to match what it has stored already in life’s experiences. When the brain performs the match, it typically relies on a visual indicator, meaning it is comparing the visual from the sensory input to a visual within the mind. Both however, may be corrupted based on incoming data.
Segment 3
When the human brain receives a memory recall of experiences you’ve already had it is an identical process as it does the physical sensory input of vision of the present. We receive the lessons we have experienced using the intrinsic visions of these events that our brain processes to associate the appropriate emotional release of chemicals within our body. It is these chemical releases that drive our reactions/responses to our sensory input, regardless of the source of the vision to our mind. Whether we are receiving this vision from our sensory input, or memory recall, is insignificant to the output trajectory caused by the following emotional responses from the physical body. Because much of our memory recall is placed into our minds via an authoritative source outside ourselves, we should question everything we think we know, especially when that memory recall incites an emotional release of chemicals into our bloodstream. It is these types of memory recalls that should cause each of us pause to reflect on the source of the knowledge. When our memory recall is being constructed, it takes a vision given by an extrinsic source and attaches am emotional response. The emotional response our physical form takes to the memory recall can provide energy for the manifestation process, however it can greatly hinder it as well.
This weeks topic of meditation: Are we really in control of our emotional responses.
Nattleysi (Summer Months)
Skammdegi (Winter Months)
The image of the Shaman is credited to April Olsen 2024.
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