Hello my friends, before we get to todays message. Remember, you can listen to these, as well as our weekly podcast on our website at forn-sidr.akoutlaw.com. As well, you can find the written copies of these shows that you can pass on to those individuals who may be hearing impaired. Please be sure to follow us on all the social media nets, podcast channels, and particularly here on Wisdom.
So that we’re all on the same page, I am not religious. I used to be. I used to preach the gospel according to what I had been taught. The ups and downs of the Christian faith. However, as the fates saw fit, I was found and enlightened to the reality of religion. Defined to me as the mass population behavior control that it is, I became free of the influential control that it has on most of mankind, and especially Americans.
Many ask me what this really means from an everyday life perspective. I explain to them that I don’t carry around the added guilt of being judged by others, or an infinite being. I wasn’t born into this thing called sin, and nothing keeps me separated from my gods. I don’t worry about right and wrong in so much as violating some basic laws really doesn’t apply to my life. I live honorably, and treat everyone as my equal until proven otherwise. I live free of concern or shame knowing that I have the power to change my destiny, and that I should be thankful for what I’ve earned.
One of the biggest benefit I have found is the ability to help others to understand the minor shame build up that happens, thereby wrecking havoc on the mind under extreme duress. I have worked with hundreds of men and women helping them eliminate these small building blocks composed of their guilt or shame. Many of the people whom I worked with over the years have discovered the disadvantage that these fragments have had, as they built up a level of self-dislike.
My hope for you is that you are able to realize those small sources of stress, and angst, then able to dislodge them so that you may experience peace and relaxation.
Nattleysi (Summer Months)
Skammdegi (Winter Months)
The image of the Shaman is credited to April Olsen 2024.
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Celebrating throughout the Generations
For 2025