In this modern-day world of hurry around in circles trying to obtain enough to keep your family healthy and happy, if we are successful, we give credit to some imaginary being who supposedly “paved the way for your success”? I’m afraid I can’t do that. The pressures of keeping up with others has always driven people to the point of breakage, leading some to mind alteration in an attempt to escape with drugs or booze. However, all of this is brought to the people of the world by the monotheistic practices and thoughts as a method to control the population of the time. Yet, we are always seeking to move up an imaginary societal ladder which was first instituted back in the early days of the first of the monotheistic religions, Judaism. The practice taught, and strictly enforced, a system of “haves” and “have nots”. It promotes an idea behind a monarchy of the time, not because it aligned itself, but more about the benefits that came with being associated to the ruling parties. The ability to be in charge of these “churches” thereby extended their power bases.
In every-day conversation with anyone, they can tell you which acts that are considered evil, or bad, based on what monotheism has enforced throughout the history of the world. The inter-generational, intrinsic value judgement of other’s actions has defined monotheism from its inception. Essentially judging others based on some preconceived notion of right and wrong. When considering the multitude of splits in all forms on monotheism to accommodate some new generation thoughts, I am convinced it was the opinion of a limited few that has established these values in which has been passed from generation to generation.
It was during my under-graduate studies at Wayland that I began to identify the psychological connections with superiority that accompanied these monotheistic beliefs. These suspicions were further confirmed as I studied what is called “evangelical”, or persons who feel that they have failed their deity because they have been unable to convince another follower to join. This instigated historical research on my part to determine the origins, and paths of deployment, for the many churches of the many different countries.
This was one of the foundational cornerstones for my separation from the monotheistic beliefs that have been enforced throughout the history of humankind. The fact that I am not free to worship as I see fit without judgement, is a tenement that brought those English settlers to the new world, yet, it would seem that sentiment was only fit for those select few. I come from a long line of Danish peoples who knew and understood that the accomplishments that we have in life, were the direct results of what I put into it, and not some imaginary, or invisible “fairy” that would usurp my success. Your puny “God” had no input what-so-ever in my success or failure. My ancestors gave me the path to my future, guides to live my life by.
Today’s teachings
We each are ultimately responsible for our choices that we make each minute of each day. These minute-by-minute decisions add up to your successful or failed day. A collection of days add up to a week, and so on. The collection becomes the tapestry of your life. However, it is based on the decisions that we have made throughout the massive collection of minutes. Nothing to do with fate, or luck, nor some imaginary deity. We made our own path, so why give credit to something else? This is where I draw the distinction between my life and those who follow the monotheistic beliefs and practices. While I understand and recognize others who wish to follow that path, I subscribe to the belief in myself. I make the opportunities, and it’s my choices that create success and failure.
Herein lies my frustration with what the practitioners tell others. Things like I’m “going to Hell”, or that’s “evil thoughts”, which can cause a person to cast doubt upon their own merit. This has been a thorn in my side for as many years as I’ve provided counseling to others. Regardless whether it’s homosexuality, or inter-racial couples who have sought my opinions, the answer is the same. Why? Why believe someone who just wants you to act the way they have dictated, or been dictated to. It frustrates me that many have told me they feel that they are a failure for not measuring up to some imaginary, opinionated bar, that will always find some fault and place blame. A system completely constructed of manipulations and opinions. Every time someone disagrees with the majority, they splinter off into their own little group, touting that their way is right.
My ancestors knew where the credit and blame was placed properly. While the strived to live up to the figures described in the old Norse ways, ultimately they would face Skuld and have their tapestry read to determine the eternal place after leaving their physical selves here on Miðgarðr. Those individuals would not have the ancestors there to credit, or blame. Their accomplishments and failures stitched carefully into the tapestry by Verðandi. There no excuses that the ancestors never came to the rescue, or “let them down”. Simple explanation of the series of events between your birth into physical form, and death from it. There are no judgements. Simple evaluation where you are invited to feast eternally.
In my beliefs, there isn’t any right or wrong. There is simply living the life you’re given to best of your abilities. The frustration I have with the population manipulation and control of organized religions is the detrimental, or negative side effects it has produced, leading some to a psychological breakdown, or worse. That is the issue I have with it. If you are struggling and need to call out, and the recipient is the being call “Jesus” or “Mohammad”, or “Buddha”, it doesn’t matter, but teaching to have a higher expectation of a reply is where I think the problem began. It is no different that asking your mile for a recipe for Mead.
My power comes from within myself, my belief in my ancestors, my family. Not some made up deity who has hijacked most of the pagan religious practices and festivals to make it easier for others to celebrate with them. May the architects of monotheism stare at the decaying face of Hel for all of eternity.
Why would someone give away credit for something they have completed? If I were to build a home out of sod and logs, I would not not say “my imaginary friend built this”, why then do we say “god blessed me with this”. In the same discussion point, many people spend much of their lives praying to their imaginary friend to give them this, or that. This fact alone causes more depression than anything else. No deity comes to earth to grant wishes, or completion of a task. This has been one of the largest issues that I have seen with individuals who speak to me about the concerns. Assigning the credit to this imaginary deity, yet shouldering all the blame for failures. The psychological damage has been substantial, leading some to prefer
Nattleysi (Summer Months)
Skammdegi (Winter Months)
The image of the Shaman is credited to April Olsen 2024.
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